Saturday, October 12, 2019

Hiking - Exploring NW side

Hi Blog,

Saturday morning when I have time and not rainy.

Hiking will be my thing. I wanted to find the quiet place for Spidery testing and Jo wanted to explore too.
Pack up and get ready
Warm sun rise heated up my body
Mr Sun was energetic today :)
Sometimes too bright that I have to hide within the shade
Today I started my hike from Caschew Station, I will use my phone to capture most of the pictures today. My photographer will take a break today.
Today was swamp of hungry mosquitoes, I can spot three-four taking their meal for their babies.
(Credit Jo for helping) As long as I don't scratch it, will help to ease it
(Credit Jo for helping) Asking Jo to help me to take pictures. Thanks Jo for helping. I am not used to have someone to help me to take pictures, as I feel embarrassed...
(Credit Jo for helping) I love the phone depth of field effect but sadly I have a ugly face... Which spoiled the whole pictures usually...
(Credit Jo for helping) Maybe I just turned my ugly face away from the camera might help?
(CRedit Jo for helping) Oops, No Ugly face but my ugly bag. Spoiled again. 2x Combo!
I tried to ask my Mr Photographer to take pictures for me, at least my ugly face will be blurred
and focus on the overall scenery.
Right? My Blog.
Deserted path seemed peaceful and risky too, but walking with company is safer
We walked past this expressway bridge and it seemed like there are many interesting things here
(Credit Jo) Let's explore this path
Did you see the clear path straight down along BKE?
If you placed a pin on Google Map, there is zero result about this path.
As we checked out how the clear path looks like. It is a long and uncovered route waiting for me to walk! :D WOW!
Yup! :) New route was found!
(Credit Jo) Having a friend who doesn't mind taking pictures, is a blessing.
(Credit Jo) But not so close, my ugly face should take up less than 8% of the whole picture. But Thank you Jo.
Previously, I took the wrong path and exited somewhere along the BKE road, which was dangerous. (post link) This time I walked along the green clear path.
This patch of grass is tall but well maintained (trimmed) Thank you for making such clear path for us.
(Credit Jo) Overall, I really love the depth of field effect from my phone and please excuse for born ugly.
How I wish I can walk along this place (a few minutes of uncovered path) in my trunk! hahaha. To have a great suntan but must apply something though! XD Should I? If I got more than four supportive comments in this blog post, then I will do it.

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