Friday, October 18, 2019

Trip - Disappointed Island Visit

Good Morning Blog,

Today was Friday morning so on my way to work? NO! Hahaha! I was about to embark a trip to my favourite island - Lazarus Island during weekday. Just wanted to let go and enjoy the healing moment of tranquilly. If you had missed out my previous visits to the island, you can click here (my first visit), here (2nd visit), here (solo trip), and here (trip with friends)

Jo happened to clear his off on the same day so he will want to visit there too. So I can't invite more people as it will only create avoid awkwardness which I can't take it well. Perhaps, I will do that for them next time.

6am... yawning but beautiful morning sky which meant it will be a great day on the island.
Quiet Marina South pier during weekday :3
Chasing the sun until here
Came to the same place to purchase my tickets and enquire a few info since there was lesser crowd.
To charter a boat (any size) to Pulau Hantu, you may contact Andy. I will try to gather one trip for my friends to visit Hantu if they are keen.
To charter a boat (a larger group) can contact GuoLi. Perhaps places like Semakau Island?
I realised that I was too early today. Weekday timing is different from weekend.
Some changes for island visiting for this month
Oh man... that meant our boat will start around 10am so we had two hours idling. There is a Singapore Marinetime Gallery to explore, Click here to read it.
And I can spare some time to explore the pier too
The top deck of the pier.
It seemed like a great place to chill.
Even birdies were chilling here too.
After two hours, time to onboard the ferry.
ST John Island and serene scenery
Peaceful :3 Really feeling like a breeze.
History remains
What a Cute Sea Slater. Too bad, can't take them as pet.
Island of Paradise!
 (credit Jo) It's MINE today!
(Credit Jo) Let's go!
I can hear the sound of waves, waving at us! I am coming!
Err... WHAT?!
Is this place Lazarus Island?!
This is LAJI(垃圾:rubbish)rus Island!
I understand that those things will wash up to the store but only this part? ST John side doesn't have it....
The water is clean though but... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Really have to thanks the cleaners here who do their best to maintain the beach cleanliness.
Oh well... I can't take this... I wanted to sun tan but the sand was a mess, I shall do it elsewhere.
Hmmm... no one here
Need to find a good spot for me to tan
Definitely not in the wood
Not on the pavement though
Perhaps on this rocky edge
Seemed perfect
Hmmm... okay... Hot rock, need to get a mat.
Or here? Unsheltered.
Yup here is a perfect spot too :)
Oops! I saw a private boat coming in... Can't tan here...
Looking at this part of the beach... Really... feeling angry... Why... just why....
My whole island attachment is just like this tree... dying...
Back to this spot
(credit Jo) While I was suntanning, something was creeping from the wood...
(credit Jo) approaching...
(credit Jo) I saw you!
(credit Jo) What you wanted to tell me?
(credit Jo) or just for a picture
(credit Jo) OH!
(credit Jo) the Rain is coming! Have to leave this place.
We packed our stuff and found a place to chill, since we were struck on this island for hours before we can go to Kusu Island.

While sitting under a shelter waiting for the rain to pass, the island cats needed some petting and received some love from me. Besides local Cats, I also got a lot of loves from local mosquitoes. ITCHY!
Time to wash up and take the next ferry back
Just look at how clean the ST John beaches are.
Where is the litter as compare to Laji-rus Island
Just imagine the beach here was at Laji-rus Island
It was like the waves - the old one will be gone and the new one take over... The best part was over and now it was replaced...
ST John island will be my favourite chilling island? Well... Lazarus has an unique space in my heart.
I will be back again and perhaps pick up some rubbish myself.
I will be back.
Sigh... the disappointed feeling still stayed and keeps reminding me.


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