Sunday, October 6, 2019

Trip - Batam - Day 2 - Going Back

Good Day Blog,

Today time to go back to Singapore. Our stay at Batam was rather short. but the trip made me learn a lot (not VERY but at least something).

Morning, most of my relatives wanted to purchase their famous smelly bean so we decided to visit their local marketplace
Different from the commercial area
Checking their local market, it is rather clump but full of activity under a roof
It seemed like Vegetarian is getting more and more acceptable from the locals. (Google map)
It looked like Singapore wet market here
From this scene, you will feel that you are at home where the traditional human interaction and trading began.
But here is where a scene I don't like to witness... pain... and fade crying for hopeless calling for mercy... like a prison cell... I feel so useless to help every animal here...
If you didn't read the title or understand the content that we were in Batam, you won't know this is not in Singapore
The locals won't mind purchasing from these stores which usually Singaporeans won't buy from. Personally, I feel the number of these kind of stores in Singapore is greatly reduced. It is a pity that it starts to face out slowly so we should try to treasure whatever you have/experience. Be grateful.
I didn't have time to make any marketing because of the language barrier, so I can only ensure the vegetable sellers maintain their stall neat and tidy
In Batam, motorbikes are their common transportation.
As for vehicles, it will belong to slightly well-doing locals.
After my aunties and friends swipe clean the snack stores for some vegetarian snacks, the driver wanted to show us another side of Batam. He drove us away from the commercial area and up the mountain... And we arrived at KTM resort (google map).

At KTM resort, there is one gigantic GuanYin - Goddess of Mercy, blessing the sea.

Great to have a picture with such an iconic saint
Lucky my "cameraman" can take care of having every one of us for a group shot.
Perhaps if there is any chance, I will like to stay at this resort.
Time to head back to Singapore and said goodbye to our driver. He is one trustworthy and responsible person. He will help to take care of us from being scammed when we were trying to make any purchase and gave us some tips to look out of ourselves.

Highly recommended if you are planning to visit Batam.

:) give him a chance to make your Batam trip a pleasant one
At the Batam Ferry terminal, it was chaotic and disorientated, and it got so chaotic, you will wish to get home desperately.
Goodbye Batam
Rainy weather which helped to wash the haze away, it won't spoil our Batam overall experience because most of the time, we were sheltered in shopping malls and restaurants.
Will like to visit Batam again.
Personally, I will wish to explore Batam differently than just shop, eat, chill and massage. I believe there are many different unique places. I will be back.


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