Sunday, June 30, 2019

Personal - June Randomness

Hi Blog,

It is June and it is a school holiday, but my schedule is still packed as usual. What you will expect to see during June?

Just days of me working positively.

3rd Jun 2019 - Riding my waifu with new tyres to work and honestly, there is no improvement of the timing, I guess it is the cyclist himself is just too weak. oh well.
4th Jun 2019 - Thanks Heaven for a no raining timing while I cycled back and fore, but kind of tired these days.
8th Jun 2019 - This weekend is a lazy days for me... I have not been hiking, swimming or cycling in the morning. I got a bit demotivated so I just spend my weekend socialising and bonding.

9th Jun 2019 - I guess the aftermath from last Friday (link) still somehow it resonates in my mind... Miserable me just have to drown myself in social setting. I hope I can recover sooner.
10th Jun 2019 - Sometimes wearing a costume with packs make me feel great of myself in my dream. Hahahahaha! I'm a weird dreamer!
11th Jun 2019 - Honestly... Feeling fat and round, but I will have to be thankful because I might get into worse state if I let go myself. So... thanks for the compliments from friends and bros.
12th Jun 2019 - Funny thing is, during my usual months, I will post more of my jogging shots, then last month I did a lot of swimming activity, and this month will be cycling but swimming will happen if I have pocket time between work and my meeting program.
18th Jun 2019 - I can't believe I have energy to cycle despite only three hours of sleep due to last night visit to Jewel, and the rain somehow cool my body :) refreshing!
19th Jun 2019 - School holiday seems going to end sooner. Hmm... Don't know why most of the people think I will be having a month break like the teachers do, just due to I work in school/I teach. Hmmm... sad to say, even though I teach for many years, but I was just a vendor, no teacher, and there goes the main reason why I didn't have 13th month bonus because the school is not functioning (no class) during school holiday for two months, meaning no teaching needed, so my 13th month is used to pay for my service during the school holiday. Oh well... at least this year onward, I am in a new job scope and 13th month is... INEVITABLE! hahaha!
26th Jun 2019 - It has been a while since I swim. Can't wait to swim again every Monday. Fat fat please don't grow somemore... I already have fat cell.... After the Melaka trip, I gain extra three KG...
28th Jun 2019 - I guess... I have some trust issues of meeting new people. I realised they all fall short, which they over-promised, just to build one-time meet up. As n INFJ, I am not interested to meet people for one-time meetup or for fun only. I am a person who treasures bonding, fate, and sincere friendship and hopes to make it last. One message to the people out there, if you have no interest to make friends, and truly learn to know me, please leave me alone. I am good to be alone. Good bye!
29th Jun 2019 - This is my first time attending and learning First Aid Course CPR + AED at least some useful life skill which I can save life. Hopefully I will be brave enough to offer my help on that person. Thank you my school leader to give me a chance to perform my first aid on her. What a small fly I am.
30th Jun 2019 - After so long, Mr K decides to spare some time to hike. Me too... It seems like I have not been hiking for a while. I feel so tired after a short hike. Oh well... it is end of June, may July is a fruitful one for me.

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