Friday, June 21, 2019

Trip - Melaka - Day 1 - Masjid Selat

Hi Blog,

Looking through QH's itinerary, there are a lot of sites visiting to cover, so our first visit is to the famous Melaka Straits Mosque, Masjid Selat. Since it is a Muslim country, visiting their mosque is a way to pay our respect.

Masjid Selat Melaka. Until now, I still can't read that word than spell it.
The sky looks rather gloomy but lucky, it does not rain.
Another tall tower on our right, which we are not sure what is it for.
Looks like a church architecture from this angle
We ask a tourist to help for our group picture, but... I WANT IT LANDSCAPE!
Holding a tripod to serve as a Selfie-stick seems doable. :D
Masjid Selat located on the man-made Malacca Island and many Muslim friends said it is a very beautiful mosque.
I brought a tripod along and it comes in handy :)
I can achieve a better shot with a tripod! Where is the tripod I ordered from indiogogo?! It has been a year plus! (link)
Perhaps I should go down to the sandy area for picture.
Another side seems rather crowded with tourists
Barely have a chance to take any picture
At least, we manage to cover some tourists behind our back
Overall, it is just a spot for photography unless you are a Muslim, then you can enter the mosque with a special purpose. For non-Muslim visitors need to dress modestly, no shorts. Women must bring their scarf or use a rental shawl to cover their head. But we do not enter.
A light house to warn any nearby ships
After a short visit, we go for a dinner then visit Jonker Street!


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