Friday, June 21, 2019

Trip - Melaka - Day 1 - Jonker Street

Hi Blog,

Just near our homestay, we can walk to Jonker Street within five mins and during the day, you don't see anything much beside shop-houses like normal typical Malaysia street.

The traffic and incoming vehicles flow is quite frequent, do look out of yourself and family when you are walking along the street.
There is barely enough space for you and to share the small road with vehicles, but they will take care of you time to time by slowing down.
Colourful and antique feel
Typical Melaka Street
But when you are inside one of their shop-houses, they have a unique taste for their decoration to make you feel at home.
With beautiful and professional wall murul
Look like someone's home but it is part of their style - Partly business and partly residential. The people in Malaysia - Live and work within their home-space
Usually shop-houses with floral exterior will draw more attention for photography :)
Something simple like that, will make people go wow
Massage service is quite common here too, relatively affordable.
During the Day time of Jonker Street - busy and hot.
but in the night, it becomes a night market; like as if the people want to prolong the heat and light from the day.
Jonker Street is like a mini eco-system like swamp, where the animals need to adapt the environmental changes according to the tidal waves.
During the "low tide", Some creatures with "bioluminescence" will start to lit up and calling for mates (customers) and I manage to capture some of them before they were gone.
Beside their bioluminescence ability to display their existence to others, they also burst loud calling (music) when we ride on them around to advertise to the world that we are TOURIST.
There are a long sketch of setup stores selling foods, clothing, snacks, souvenirs and many more.
Many "creatures" will start to check out those stalls and jam up the flow, but everyone is fine and understanding about it.
Even though my anxiety starts to rise, but my curiosity pushes me to explore deeper.
What amazed me is that, they just setup table, put up light and chair, done! Let make some business.
Or some of them have a solid setup with fine paint menu.
Not sure we started from the head of the street or end. Hmm... let see how far it goes
I wanted to drink some bubble tea but... I am really bloated from the dinner we had and budgeting.
Some stalls have lesser customers
perhaps they are trying to draw different crowd.
Oooo! there is a stage for elderly to rest their feet and listen to some karaoke session.
ooooooo This is the beginning of Jonker Street so we started from the end.
Spot some mini temple along the side, usually they will be closed but I dare not step in.
We found one interesting vegetarian stall which sells something that Singapore doesn't have.
It is Satay Lok Lok - basically, we choose a stick, they will cook for us, then finish it with satay dressing. :)
Actually quite tasty :D Try it if you have a chance.
OH mine! Finally got a chance to try Smelly Bean curd! The smell is... OMG Smelly... When you smell something smelly it is either you are somewhere near the swamp/sewage or somewhere selling smelly tofu. another word shxtty smell.
One kind of smell I still love is Durian :3 yummy!
Just trying it out
Initially, I was skeptic on the safety and high alert of pick-pocketing, but after the visit, I feel totally safe visiting Melaka Night Market :)

We simply fill up our stomach space with fried food… What a unhealthy meal for the night.

Haha. Next item from itinerary - Temple Visit



  1. Jonker Street is one of the main attractions in Malacca but it is busy and crowded only during weekends. The streets in Malacca are narrow and one need to walk on the streets without shelter and walking in the open can be really hot and wet .

    1. Yes that street is very happening and hope to visit there again.


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