Saturday, June 22, 2019

Trip - Melaka - Day 2 - Temple Visit

Good Morning Blog,

Due to the soft pillow + bloated painful tummy from the food from Jonker Street, which actually gave me hellish nightmare (which I can't sleep and trying to force myself to), but still manage to gain enough rest for today itinerary.

Have some light breakfast (I hope) together
A milo to warm my fat tummy
After visited the mosque, next we shall visit some old temple at Melaka. Malaysia is like Singapore, it is a Multiracial country which Malay and Chinese take up high percentage of the population.

As for this temple, it has more than 200 years of history.
Cheng Hoon Teng Temple
It is one of the notable and well known landmarks in Melaka
It is the oldest temple in the country. I read somewhere since 1600.
This temple is dedicated to Kuan Yin, Goddess of Mercy. As the title translated, "Be Merciful always".
The whole temple architecture carries the devotion and dedication of the builder
There are some tourists from different countries started to flood in the temple and they listen to the tour guide respectfully.
I read somewhere and overheard from the tour guides, all the materials in the temple were brought in from China.
Check out the detail of the sculptures, just wow and admirable.
Very well maintenance
Love the display decoration, very intricate!
When you look around, you will realise this temple is teaming with lives like small birds staying at the roof area, quite harmony in living. Such old temple has been visited by generations, not just human but animals too.
When I walked out from the temple, I noticed something different, there is a Malay-kampong-style house surrounded by Chinese temples. I guess that is how "respect one another boundary" meant.
At least, it is well maintained which worthy to take picture with.
It is a short tour in the temple and surprisingly, they are still hungry! Oh my! But one of the highly recommended vegetarian stalls closed for two days which disappointed Mr Li. So we decide to try somewhere else.
So we go to a nearby place - Confucius Learning School. Weird, we can't find the name of this school anywhere else. I guess it is a good way to keep it humble and low profile from public.
The rain starts to pour
I tried to take a picture in this cool sphere
But that metal thingy is blocking my face and no solid platform to perform a decent and safe jump shot, so this is the best I can jump than endanger myself.
If can suspend in the center of the sphere will be perfect
Heavier rain starts and we have a chilling breakfast
Let it rain!
Looking through our next itinerary and possible of removing some of them
We waited for two hours until the rain stops, surprisingly... THEY ARE STILL HUNGRY! But luckily, they decide to go for a short shopping trip at one of the mall.
Thanks for saving my stomach, shopping time! After 1hr 30mins shopping, I bought myself a blue pants, I go for a non-fitting size because my wristline has increased... Sad... Anyway after shopping, we go for Mori for lunching.
At least the rain had stopped, we come to Mori and we need to leave our shoes outside and wear their slippers.
Trying out SJ's method and it turns out I did it well.
Amazing platform - love such setting and hope I can live in one like this.
Now I have the whole table to myself, bring out the dishes!
After lunching, we decide to walk back to our homestay to clear our stuff and ready to explore Nyonya Museum in Melaka with us.


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