Friday, June 21, 2019

Trip - Melaka - Day 1 - To Homestay

Yippee Blog,

Good Weather :D
Today I got a chance to travel oversea and it is an exciting one because I always want to remove Melaka from my traveling list (a small tick). This time, we managed to confirm the date and arrangement since the beginning of this year. QH helped to take care of itinerary which lightened my load and go as a tagged-member.

My oversea Regulars :D
After two hours plus, we arrive to Melaka.
We are greeted by the beautifully painted wall mural
and famous red houses
We are starved and settled down at one of the nearest vegetarian stall. Vegetarian stalls in Melaka are quite common, not much but still surviving. They have some interesting dishes too. I hope they will have some unique dish in their menu though.
QH found a home stay Airbnb (KnocKnock Home@Malacca) located near the central of Melaka, which is quite affordable and a popular choice among Airbnb users. It has very interesting exterior. :)
Let me show you around.

We are greeted with this two Antithetical couplets which say 人人居,乐乐屋 which translates People Living, Happy Staying (bad translation) another words: People live together and be happy staying together.
The entrance
Didn't know that a rusty mirror can create a sense of 'returning to visit our old parents'/'home return'
Simple little things to spice up the overall
A mini opening of space for the sky, had become a mini living room
A little and simple personal space which I like
As you look up, something heavy here which somehow may seem artistic but it is rather uncomfortable...
to have a cage-like hanging on top of a nice relax space below - quite overkill.
Taking a picture of this stair because it is rather slippery and caused two of my friends slip down from the stair. So guests be aware
Dining table with a tv at the side, quite interesting to have everyone dines together and watch tv at the same time. But too bad, this tv is spoiled and no one watches tv these days.
Honorable wall for KnockKnock Homestay
Toilet beside the dining area seems nicely decorated.
Knockknock Homestay's back yard is rather small and mainly serves as an aesthetic overview
I highly doubt any guest will want to cook there
Let go up to second floor
antique, classic feel to give us a sense of "back to those days"; just like the posters on the wall in the house.
Here is my room - simple and clean :)
The view outside my room window - nice :D
Our neighbour room - a queen bed.
Decent typical clean home toilet - great :)
Another room - king size bed on a platform
another room at the ground floor
with an open space toilet :D I want to try this out!
Overall, I will give it a 4.1/5 for this place. :) We have a peaceful night rest which is great. Thanks Heaven for such a peaceful and clean home stay. Our Next stop - Masjid Selat



  1. For budget and small group travellers this homestay may be great but it looks a bit run down.How much do you pay for it?

    1. Yes it is a budgeted homestay and I don't know how much though, but it is relatively affordable


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