Sunday, June 30, 2019

Blog - June Overview

Hi Blog,

June is coming. Most of my days are fully booked and at least, it is fruitful :) Let's me share with you my June journey with you.
1st Jun 2019 -
Return to Abyss
5th Jun 2019 -
Just Me
7th Jun 2019 -
Mother Earth Date
17th Jun 2019 -
Jewel Visit
21st Jun 2019 -
Melaka D1 - Homestay
21st Jun 2019 -
Melaka D1 - Masjid Selat
21st Jun 2019 -
Melaka D1 - Jonker Street
22nd Jun 2019 -
Melaka D2 - Temple Visit
22nd Jun 2019 -
Melaka D2 - Nyonya Heritage
22nd Jun 2019 -
Malaysia Desert
23rd Jun 2019 -
ST Paul's Church
June Randomness
Check it out

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