Monday, June 17, 2019

Trip - Jewel Visit

Hi Blog,

It will be a short post today. Finally! I manage to visit the legendary and newly craze spot - Jewel Changi Airport. Alvmax decides to accompany me because he wants to go to Pokemon Store and catches MIB. Since we have not catch up for a long time, I shall spare some time there. I am kind of regret that I didn't take many pictures like how I usually blog... But I will blog as whatever I have here.

The iconic toilet bowl!
Love the colour of the water fall! Feeling so "infinity fountains"
That reminds me in the past, when I was young, Sentosa had a Musical Fountain (link), it was a popular spot among Singaporeans especially the kids and whenever we were tasked to write a composition about a family trip - most of us will write Sentosa and will include Musical Fountain. But on 2007, it was demolished and long gone the famous Musical Fountain...

I found one classic video which showcased the whole Musical Fountain!

Nostalgic feeling :3
Anyway, now watching a new Toilet-bowl fountain is a nice feeling and feeling old too.

Alvmax brings me to a BEST spot to see the performance without any blockage of train track and just RIGHT in the center. I didn't take any video as I just want to enjoy the performance.
The best part is... NO PEOPLE fill up the space and get into my pictures! Hahaha! Thanks Alvmax for helping me to take the pictures.
Thanks goodness I decided to come in the later part away from the heat of Singaporean craze!
Just smile and feeling less anxiety from crowds!
Alvmax wants to go to Pokemon Store, I heard from my friends and IG video posts, it is very popular where they sell many authentic pokemon plushies; and yes, they have a lot of CUTE plushies! I have to restrain myself. Just window shopping.

ALvmax wants a snorlax from six random boxes and I tried my best to "feel" it and BINGO! We got Snorlax because of one secret! End up, we got two snorlax to confirm my secret method. :D Joy of shopping!
Next stop, we continue to watch movie at Shaw, then we also pass by one interesting event - Pictures with Spiderman! Oh! My favourite!

Hey Spiderman, will you take picture with me?
NICE! Finally, I took a picture of King of Selfie - SPiderman. How I wish I can be like him to fight crimes and look great in superhero suit.
Oh well, it does not matter. I am fatman - an amateur superhero trying to help the citizens in whatever ways.
Oops... No more pictures to show. I should take more of that place. Hmmm... I guess you won't need me to show you how Jewel looks like when everyone had already visited there once. I think I will bring my mother to Jewel one day :) She has not visited there at all.


1 comment:

  1. I was there during the soft opening. Beautiful and memorable waterfall. Pack light sardines but had an enjoyable outing with my family.Great that you enjoy the place and should accompany your mum there too. Take care and be more positive and everything will be fine.


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