Saturday, June 22, 2019

Trip - Melaka - Day 2 - Desert in Malaysia

Hi Blog,

Thanks QH and others don't mind of going somewhere where they might not have an interest of; somewhere which excited me before QH started planning the itinerary for us. That place is the "desert in Malaysia" aka "white desert".

After some research of its location, it is actually at Padang Pasir Klebang Melaka or the actual location will be named as Pasir Klebang Cantik. Grab location may not work well to grab there, so do consider to make a long walk to that place. So after Nyonya Museum, we took a grab down to klebang Beach, but lucky the driver knows where we are planning to go and drops us right near the entrance to the "desert".

Entrance to the 'desert', Pasir Cantik which means Beautiful Beach
But another grab drove our friends to the beach and they are quite lost and have to walk some distance to get here.

So meanwhile, we will spend some time taking pictures together while waiting for the rest to arrive.
Thanks to these two Ladies for embracing me :)
Another side of this piece of rock
It seems like an abandoned area
Waiting and waiting...
Lucky they have oversea data so that they will know our location, I think able to stay connected is a way to avoid any unpleasant traveling experience.
JY and QH suggest that we can continue to explore the 'desert' first.
Looking ahead, it seems like we need to walk for some distance down to reach our destination.
the endless scenery makes you think... Are we really in Malaysia?
1,2,3 smile! We are in Somewhere!
It seems like we are not alone and it already attracts some visitors.
15mins later... Still walking
I got worried with another group, will they know where are we?
but... my excitement overwhelms everything
My tripod can really come in handy at this moment
or this. Epic shot which I like.
JY and QH will stay back to wait for others and JC and I will go further down to explore the area first.
Alright, I will try to capture some nicer shot first
See so close but still far!
JC - it is amazing that I knew him when he was very young, and seeing him grow up, facing his life challenges, and still call me 'Kor kor' (older brother), I have to take good care of him as a 'Di di' (younger brother).
How I wish the evening sky formation can be ideally dramatic a bit but I can't do such expectation from heaven. I have to show my gratitude to the current condition.
Finally :) we arrive!
JC, come! Let's smile for the camera!
My favourite shot too :) do you like it too?
Sitting at isolation explains how as an INFJ really feels
People may see us as a dead soul but in fact... they are wrong.
Haha... JC looks like as if he is lost in the desert
the endless edge of the desert makes me look so small
Will I able to get out of this place alive?
As long as I walk at the right direction, I will be saved.
Actually, the sky has been kind to us today
At least it doesn't rain for us while we explore this place
Deep in my heart, I am truly thankful
and I am glad... the crowd is lesser. :D
I wonder what and how it looks like at the end of the desert
Can you see anything from here, JC?
Hmm looking at the plants which grow out from sand, somehow unlike those which you can google... I checked one of the bloggers (link) she came here before in 2016, and her pictures were amazing! After three years, the desert is no longer desertic.
The green plants just have a different feeling in the overall.
How I wished that I brought my infinity gauntlet here
To show my power!
I guess floating is my only power here
Alright, let's go down further to explore the edge of this desert
Hill and hill of sand
I am going to ready there sooner
and almost hydrated...
Almost there but we have to stop here as JY and QH manage to meet up the another group.
I wanted to go further but... this is not Singapore. Later we lost ourselves.
If I go further down, I might see flatter ground
I shall leave the unexplored for the next time
Leaving a mark is more important :)
I shall leave my body mark. Hahaha
I guess I better don't... My sweaty back and hairs got a lot of sands.
WOW! What a beautiful shot from SJ. Nice one. :) but as compared to the blogger who took this scene on 2016, is incomparable.
Come everyone, let's pose!
Pose two!
and three!
Mr Li and  Mrs Li make a Love sign together and may you two love forever. :)
it seems like everyone is hungry already and let have a last wefie here
and here. :) I am glad everyone has a great time here, even the elderly.
I noticed that there are litters around... People just carry their food and... bump it there... Please, human beings. Please keep the rubbish to ourselves and be responsible for your action.
Alrighty then, time to go back and back to jonker street for our last shopping trip.
Overall, this 'desert' is actually a man-made sand dunes and becomes Sand field art work from land reclamation. This area will be developed in future so it won't last long, do try to visit this area whenever you can before it is gone. Just take note that the parking lot is way too far from the sand and require a 15-20min walk.

Next will be our Day 3 - ST Paul's Church.


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