Saturday, June 22, 2019

Trip - Melaka - Day2 - Nyonya Museum

Hi Blog,

After putting down our shopping items, we walk to Nyonya Museum which is very near to Knockknock Homestay.

Trying to take some picture outside the heritage but can't stop the traffic or passerby to get into the picture
From the exterior of the Nyonya Heritage Museum, it is very different from our shophouses with intricate design.
I have been hearing and seeing this word Nyonya everywhere in Melaka and even show in Singapore, so what does it mean?

Let me ask Mr Google. hmm... Nyonya is another word for Peranakan. (from wiki) It is describing certain ethnic group came from China and settled down at southern provinces during 15th - 17th centuries. You can read up more, for me, I will try to understand them without any idea.

Need to pay for entrance fee and NO photography allows
The staff hands us a book, and we can read it on our own based on the number unless we engage a guide.
At the lobby area, is the only place where you can take pictures, so check out the antique furnitures!
No more pictures after this
Sooooo They didn't say that I can't zoom in from the lobby
the sight in the main hall connects the past and present.
This scene is so familiar. Just like Singapore TV series "The Little Nyonya", if you have no idea about this show, you should try to watch that drama show, it was beautifully filmed drama series which earned a space in every Singaporeans' heart.
Re-enactment of Little Nyonya scene
And replayed of their music/song
Smile :)
Hey JY, come and join me.
A shot with my tripod and my camera, compare with...
normal phone. Hmm... Phone seems better :D
The window tunnel gives this picture a unique feel and perspective. Too bad, I dare not take picture while everyone is looking at me.
Overall, one simple conclusion that I give for this heritage museum of Nyonya, is "it is like a mini palace among the Elite-Chinese traders in the past." Just look at the culture, the size of the house and expensive furniture, really live like a King.

Next stop is my favourite and main purpose of going to Melaka - To the desert!



  1. Peranakan means the Chinese from China at that time who came south to places like Malacca; Penang and Singapore settle down and married the local ladies. Their children are referred to as nyonya and baba for females and males respectively.They communicate using a mixture of Malay language and dialect.

    1. Ah thanks for sharing, uncle Jimmy :) now I understand


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