Sunday, June 23, 2019

Trip - Melaka - Day 3 - St Paul's Church

Good Morning Blog,

Today will be our last day at Melaka, and we actually planned to visit more other places but the driver who supposed to drive us back to Singapore claimed there will be a heavy traffic jam at the custom so hope that we can leave our stay and be back to Singapore without any jam.

So we can only go to one place, and that will be ST Pauls' Church.
In order to go to ST Paul's church, we need to climb a few flights of stairs.
but it is a great treat for a wonderful view :)
That ship, I hope I will go nearer there one day.
After visited Muslim's mosque, Chinese's Temple, Elite people's mini palace and our last stop -Christian's Church.
Melaka is a place where different cultures come together as one, like a neighbourhood. And this is A marble statue of St. Francis Xavier, stands within the complex commemorating Malaysia’s best-known missionary.
Hope they can live in peace and help one another to point the people of the Lost to the Only Sun.
From the rundown of the church wall, really explains the age. Guess how old is this church?
Oh my! This church was built in 1521!!!! What a construction which stood up time and carried trails of the past.
As compared to my age to this building, I am like a grand-grand kid to it.
Come everyone, Let's leave a good memory here.
This place is caged and protected from any tomb-thieves.
As you can see many tombstones, with many names which we barely know.
I guess many famous people tend to leave their names and well, for me... I can only leave mine in egg,
Sometimes, I am really impressed by the ancient architectures, they will make sure the building last for centuries than build for cash-grab...
It seems like we need to leave this place, I feel like I didn't take enough pictures at all...
Alright JC, don't hit me and time to go.
Wefie time!
The memory will last forever in my blog.
Oh man, the crowds start to gather, can't really take great pictures under such condition.
What we can do is to gather as a group to block the people behind us.
Yes, like this. :D
I guess my tripod does help me a lot. :)
(SJ's sneak shot) Mr Li and I feel rather bored and so we decide to do a dance performance for everyone - Mr Li's style.
Time to go back to Singapore
Glad we have a safe trip and hope I can go melaka again
I will be back again. :)


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