Thursday, March 7, 2019

Product - My Green Sports Shoes

Hi Blog,

If you have followed my blog, you will notice the pair of sports shoes which I always wear for my hiking, jogging, cycling and any outdoor activities! The choice of my shoes, is obviously spot-on, I love the ALIEN GREEN colour aka Neon Green to highlight my shoes. Today I will be discarded my current shoes and ready for new one.

Since 6th May 2017, I started wearing my 2nd Alien Green Sports Shoes (blog post) and today will be the last time, having this... Honestly... I feel rather sad to see it goes...
This was a picture of my first alien green shoes (right) and 2nd alien green shoes from China (left) Usually I will wear the shoes until it really wears and tears before I change another new one.
Let's check out it's latest condition after nearly two years of usage.

Similar condition as my first pair of shoes, the ankle padding wore off and torn - which also give many people an impression that I always wear 'poor-man' shoes!
There is no hole under the sole and the trend has completely worn out. No wonder it got a bit slippery.
XEP brand. NANI?! For me, it is not about the brand, it is about the overall design of the product. Nice XEP. :)
One more last look at my 2nd Green shoes. That is the view which I fell in love with it.
For me, I treasure and make sure that I make full use of the product than discard them to my liking. But I bought a pair of shoes (3rd one) many years old while it was on sale and I wanted to wear my 1st one. And due to space constrain, I can only have one space for sports shoes.

Today Uncle E passed me a pair of his spare shoes (became the 4th one) to me. Oh I was so touched! But then... I have no choice but to make space for the new shoes... So I will have to discard the 2nd shoes by wearing my 3rd and maybe his (4th) too.

I bought a pair of shoes from Skechers many years ago - supposed to serve as 2nd
*Drumming* Behold! GLOW IN THE DARK SHOES!!!!!!
I know Skechers has very good and comfortable cushion - It is a plus point for sports shoes
Skechers :) I was one of the promoter for this brand before - I know their products well enough :D
Ultra Skechers GOrun!
Interesting sole suitable for jogging and hiking 
It is a Nite Owl series. Why so?
Light-off and let this pic explains itself.
Many people told me to wear this shoes before its sole split, due to many years of storage. I am also worrying so that was why I decided to bring it out and get ready to wear them.

Okay! Let's look at 4th shoes, given by Uncle E, from Adidas.
Wow..... Is it Green Alien or Yellow?
It's brand is a sticker... Won't last
Is this green or yellow? Hahaha
By looking at two shoes... I have decided to do this. I will wear the 4th on for my jogging and hiking, and 3rd for cycling. :)

Because... I don't know why. I just drew lots and 4th one got jogging and hiking. Fate decides. :) Good bye 2nd shoes. I will miss you.


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