Thursday, March 28, 2019

Cycling - New Shiny Shoes

Hi Blog,

In my previous post (here) last year, I bought a Hub Light for my waifu and I got a pair of it this month.

I bought it from again. Purpose - to brighten up my waifu's shoes (rim)
Let's me show you the result.

I realise that, they didn't include battery so I had to purchase batteries myself.
I think I had overly-purchased...
I guess I will light up my waifu even during the day time.

One hub light up.
Two hubs!
One hub
Nice and solid with two hubs! My waifu is so happy now :D
Should I buy another pair for better effect?
I guess I will stick to two will do. Three is a bit too much unless someone buys a pair for me. :3 Anyone? hahaha I doubt so.
I will try to bring her out at night and see the effect of it, as I got positive feedback from others with just a pair of hub.

For me, I just want to my cycling route is lilted up so I will able to see my way.

(reserve for an outside shot here)

Happy Waifu aka Happy Jeff


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