Sunday, March 31, 2019

Personal - March Randomness

Hi Blog,

Feb was a hectic month and my mind can't rest well, but I am still okay :) Trying to learn to face my daily problems with a smile. I will be fine as time goes by.

Let's get random together!

2nd Mar 2019 - I supposed to have some program on Saturday noon but my sister just got out from the hospital and need to submit her accident report to STA, so I brought my waifu and she just sat on my waifu, as I tolled my waifu to STA nearby. Now the officer was checking her damaged motorbike. Thanks, Heaven that at least she is safe.
3rd Mar 2019 - trying some butterfly syle and still failed...
7th Mar 2019 - Today swimming pool was less crowded and great to take pictures in different angles and perspective.
13th Mar 2019 - Looking back at my friends who remain silent and start to feel like nothing to talk about... I really don't know what to say... I asked questions but your reply seemed like I can't even enquire further. Worst... still blame me for boring them. Anyway... I will still be myself, engage in jogging at my own pace. Not VERY FAST or able to cover long distance but I feel at ease.
15th Mar 2019 - Thanks Mrs M to buy me tomato and encourage me to try something new. So I decide to make tomato rice :D taste great!
18th Mar 2019 - Sometimes... I have been thinking of... maybe I will end the Easter Eggs for now onward. :)
19th Mar 2019 - Trying to meet up with KL and J since last year. Even though KL has some sore throat but he still tried to make it. :) Thank you for turning up despite others can't make it today.
20th Mar 2019 - My first time to attend a school cluster outing together. Surrounded by ladies and I am just a little boy here. LOL
23rd Mar 2019 - Instead of taking my waifu out, I decide to spend time to tidying my garden and accompany my mother for a simple breakfast before she goes to work. After removed all the dried part of my Nep, they look neater in my perspective.
24th Mar 2019 - Instead of going back home and rest after my morning class, I go for a quick and relax swim. I am really wanted to have a good sun-tan without anyone staring at me and discussing like I am a weirdo...
24th Mar 2019 - Happy Birthday to my sister! Wish you a happy and positive life ahead.
25th Mar 2019 - What an co-incident to bump to two people who I know and lost contact. Three unplanned people and met at a same place. :) Great to see LL, still looked young and strong. Very active parent. Great to see uncle J again. He has been very supportive since we worked around. DO take good care of yourself.
26th Mar 2019 - ZN seldom comes back home that early, if he does, he will rather jog at Bishan Park (flat and spacious environment) but this round he will want to jog at MacRitchie. Rare occassion. :) Also encourage me to jog than laze at home.
27th Mar 2019 - Usually I will ask Uncle E to swim during my pocket time, but I decide to ask my friend to swim but in the end, he can't make it. So I will just swim alone as usual.

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