Monday, March 4, 2019

Trip - Google Company

Hi Blog,

You know what! Something is happening today! I was invited to attend a course at GOOGLE SG! GOOGLE COMPANY!!! It is my dream to able to work at Google, I think it is everyone's dream too! For me, just going there to have a Google course has already filled up my dream jar!

Google Company is located near Labrador Park Station, in Mapletree building.
Let me show you around!
Mapletree Business City - kind of reminded of MapleStory game which I lost touch, hope one day I will have that interests to play again.
We can reach to Mapletree Business City from Alexandra Retail Centre - there is a route at 2nd floor of Alexandra Retail Centre, then just follow the flight-escalator and you will be greeted by...
So excited when I spotted the word Google but I can't take any picture there "Google Welcome" than a small text here.
Arrived to their reception counter at 3rd floor. All guests will stop by this floor and no more, while their staff will have access at separated lifts.
OOOO MAN! No! I meant Google!
Finally got a chance to meet Mr Google, my online teacher.
Received my temp pass with limited access in the building
When I looked up, I spotted some clouds and they are so cute :D
Especially the 'drama' one.
After a while, we gathered and ready to travel as a batch, to take lift to another floor and we had to pass by some of their offices.

Their cafeteria with soft and round furniture.
As you can spot a Best genes human species sitting there chilling and working in such a tranquil place
Interesting lighting which lilted the place softly
Hi Android :D You know something. Only after today, then my brain started to register you under my Google's neutron.
I realised Google Company interior is rounded-corner in whatever setting they have - from sofa, seat, lighting and even their stair case. Like they don't hurt you and very considerate.
We will be having two days course in this wifi room
Why Wifi room, you asked?
because the lighting is setup like a Wifi logo!
Just beside the wifi room, we can look out at the beautiful green man-made landscape.
One thing to mention to you, blog. I found they put this mouth wash in the toilet for their staff and guests - what a thoughtful gesture - just to remind and encourage their staff to interact than become a machine.
On Day 2, I was prepared to know they didn't include Vegetarian lunch for me so I requested to step out to seek out for my meal but their staff invite me to their food counter where serves vegetarian food.

I was so fortunate to explore other part of the Google Company, too bad I can't go around to take pictures as I don't want to embarrass myself. Anyway, back to the story. Here is their buffer counter where they can just eat for FREE! YES FREE!
Even though there are meatless here (Vegan) but I can't take those as there are onion and garlic... Sigh...
At least, I have something to eat :) And eat like a Google Staff for a meal. A simple meal to fill up my dream's jar again!
Photo time!
Something to remind myself that I went to Google before :) I simply love their working culture and the interaction between staff is heavenly. I will carry their good culture into my daily life.
What had I learned from the course?

I will just highlight the main point. I was here to attend Google for Education. We have to understand how Google thinks toward Google education:
- a lot towards communication
- employers are looking for problem solving team-working, communication, critical thinking
- Generation Z is very comfortable with technology

Google's direction to provide support towards Education
- personalise measured (adapt for each unique learner
- collaborative diverse (form human connections to spark new thinking)
- Project-based self-managed (learner taking active ownership of their learning)
- Authentic experimental

"Technology can't support on its own and depend on individual to use it to support themselves."

Google's Tools for Education
1) Chromebook
- boot up less than 10 sec
- Light weighted
2) G-Suite for Education
- Communication (email)
- Collaborate anywhere (doc, slide, sheet etc)
- Manage (classroom, G-suite)
- Store (drive)
- Explore (earth)
3) Google Classroom

I also learned something important and meaningful from one of SG Google managers' sharing. He showed us a pic of T-Rex bones displayed along with flamingos figures at California Google HQ, asking why they placed a Trex there? He explained, "Trex might be the well known and strongest dinosaur roamed on the Earth, but if it can't learn, change, and adapt, it will die." That's what Google's motto.

Thank you for sharing. :) Time to think differently, adaptive and creatively. Be a problem solver.


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