Friday, March 22, 2019

Cycling - R3Cycles Visit

Hi Blog,

I have been looking for a "hospital" for my waifu in case of any bike issue, where i can trust my waifu to and make new friends. I had tried two places - one was SS and another one was VC. (If you have been following through my blog, then you will know which bike stalls I had visited) even though that SS just C.M.I and VC has the potential but there is a wall barrier somehow which I am tired already.

Let's cycle to work during school holiday! No pupil around and relax day.
Today I decide to visit R3Cycles (Facebook link) which was introduced from JL (who organized a Fatbike Day which I could not attend during my China Trip).

In my mind, I try to rehearse the whatever possible positive and negative scenarios. I only hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
Oh well, time has come, R3Cycles is located near my workplace, my waifu and I are ready!
R3Cycles is somewhere in 9005 building - Take note that this building has two blocks - To find R3Cycles, you have to find the lift in middle of the two blocks.
Finally, arrive to R3Cycles; lucky I bumped to JL at the lift area which shorten my time of finding the physical store.
I am wondering what does R3 stands for. Hmm.. Is it liked the standard Three R's - Reduce, Reuse and Recycle? So JL explains to me the 3'R for 3RCycles are Rebuild, Restore, Recycle. He continues to illustrate further.

With my limited understanding, Rebuild is to build on an existing bike or you can build a new one yourself. Restore is to fix a spoiled bike to a functional state and you can even store your bike at their place with a small fee. Recycle is to revive our drying cycling passion and reunite with other cyclists - where you can meet up and cycle together for a race or event. (I can't believe I have to retype this paragraph four times... Due to some internet connection failed.) Perhaps JL will have a better explanation if you meet him.

From the exterior of R3, it is like visiting a bicycle museum or kampung - feeling at home.
Here is JL under the R3 signage, preparing the entrance for my waifu.
Their operation timing.
Entrance of R3, it is like visiting a Goonies' cave where they marked their territory at the entrance.
Before you visit any stall, you will greet by their stall display of their latest trend. At the entrance of R3, you will be reminded that what they are doing in R3CYCLES stall. Do spend some time to observe their entrance display.
There are four "heavenly" fatbikes guarding the door way
And my waifu greets them with respect. It has never once in my waifu's life, ever meet more than two fatbikes.
It seems like beside fatbike, there are other bike types seeking "treatment".
Woooow, I thought it will be a level high ceiling from outside but it is actually quite spacious - like a main hall.
Look at the number of bicycles are here to R3. Unlike other bicycle stalls where they display their best looking bicycle and trying to "show off" like as if you visit a Ferrari car show, like You know you are not worthy to get it. Here, they are rather mixed and down-to-earth.
What you see here, is like a workshop where the magic begins. As for my waifu, this is a clothing shop for her. I shall leave her alone to check out the 'shop'.
Ahhh. I remember this! This is a meeting place where the Fatbike-lovers gathered and organized a Fatbike day for Singapore-fatbikers.
The forth R is here, Refuel. JL said he doesn't need to purchase many drinks or snacks, as many of those are contributed from his friends aka clients-become-friends. What a community!
I asked JL to check my waifu out for some concerns I have. JL is not hesitated to provide a personal inspection and adjustment. (I didn't even ask him to, but he initiated) From what I can see, he is a guy who loves bicycle a lot and with a golden heart. My waifu thanks JL for adjusted her :)
After JL answered many of my doubts and enquiries (usually I will end up of wanting to know the costs because of my financial issue), he allows me to explore around like treating R3 like a home.
On the second deck is JL's personal space, it is a honour to visit his personal workshop.
It seemed like he likes Vintage and classic items - another word, he is a collector and someone who treasures/sees values even no one bothers. He still like the good-old times.
Up here, he stores most of his personal bike collection. Unlike other cyclists, will brag their most expensive bicycle but for JL, he just displays some of his vintage collections, even bicycles which he rode when he was young.
What a way to divide his personal space and working space.
He also shows me some of his Goonies' treasure. Woooow colourful! How I wish I can have green-blue-purple tone gears.
After that, I spend some time to test ride some of Fatbikes which I always want to try. JL allows me to try on a titanium-famed Fatbike and the riding experience is awesome!

Here is one thing that I know JL is a caring person. I will like to sit on a cushion on my seatpost (okay! Don't judge me.) Usually I just give up shorten the pulling string and leave it hanging.
But just before I left R3, he just tied a knot (shorten it) for my waifu without telling me. What a kind gesture. This tells me that, he is a honest and down-to-earth person.
In R3, JL has a vision to have a small community like old times where people come together and help one another, than enter-purchase-leave place. His purpose for opening a bicycle store is to make friends. What a respectable honour and vision which I admire. Just like my working life experiences, I usually follow and help to execute boss's vision :) I won't comment much here.

Thank you JL and I glad that I visit R3CYCLES today. What an experience! I will be back to change my waifu's shoes once I have saved enough. I will see you again.


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