Monday, March 11, 2019

Product - Mokacam 4K Snap Review

Hi Blog,

After almost a year of waiting since 11th Apr 2018, I decided to give my faith to this awesome product, Mokacam 4K Snap, a faith pledge in Indiegogo. (product link) Despite many of my friends warned me about pledging on any crowdfunding projects (I won't go to that) and I feel it is a way to show support to a project with a great idea. After this, (this was my second last crowdfunding support project) I must say... I have never got so DISAPPOINTED.

Honestly, I don't mind waiting for a project to take a longer time to complete but this one... seriously... Let's explain.

Time to open this after such a long waiting!

Mokacam - one of the well-known brand in the market and Snap is their newest and smallest camera they ever come out with! Let's see what is inside the boxes.
Mokacam Snap manual book - standard stuff (link for manual book)
The white box comes with a small carrier bag with remote control, HDMI cable and extra battery pack.
Interesting battery module which can snap onto the camera
Simple remote control
Time to open this main box!
ooo! Cable, holder and the camera!
Honestly, it is very small and light-weight camera - very innovative!
Smooth and elegant design - Sweet!
Oooo They come with a metalt plate
OOO they have two!
It snaps strong and firm!
Great to hang on clothing but not for thick fabric or too much movement.
Based on the comment page, they said, "a memory card is necessary to be inserted to the card slot before any WiFi connection. There is a led beside the charging port. It shows red while charging. The indicator will turn off when it’s fully charged". So I left it charged for more than two hours.

After that I went and downloaded its app. Based on what I had read from their update page. The snap app on Android is not yet available on Google Play. However, it will be added soon. The app for Snap can be downloaded from

We should not download any app which found on Play store but must download the app from a provided web link. I realised that replicate-app has taken my info and did something unimaginable which involved my credit card.
I tried those apps and none of them works! I guess the creator just wants to show off their programming skill and gain the number of downloads. Desperated human beings...
This will be the ACTUAL app suggested by the creator of Mokacam (with two dots - weird...)
Okay! Time to connect the camera.
I tried many times but FAILED! To make things worse... They didn't state the password anywhere but to hunt from the comments page... facepalm... The Mokacam wifi password is 1234567890. But still can't connect to the app even when I typed in the correct password and it shows connected on my wifi option!

Then I read somewhere, I have to reset it first before I start. Okay!

Reset by plug in a pin.
I insert a NEW Micro SD card and turn on the cam
And I turn on the wifi too but the blue light is gone!
What the hell... It turns off
I checked through the comment page, they said, "insert an SD card classe 10 to utilize the 4k resolution of the camera. Also, Snap supports 64GB at most for now". But but... mine is not even more than 64Gb!
Then I take out the card and try whatever it will connect or not. It can start and this time with blue and red blinking light.

Since I can't use my phone to connect the camera then I shall use their remote. But but... Even the remote control doesn't work at all.
I read from their comment, they said, "As for remote. First, you need to turn on the wireless remote and then turn on the camera. It will then paired automatically. The light on the remote will flash red until pairing is completed and then the green indicator on Snap will flash green, which indicates the pairing is successful." I left the mokacam for more than five mins, the camera red and blue light still blinking and when I click on the wifi button...

Just like this... Not responding to remote... When I put in the SDcard, there is no RED light or can have all three lights... And cannot connect or use my phone app, remote won't work. WHAT IS GOING ON!!!!!
I felt so DISAPPOINTED with this project... It is like someone trying to sell you something but they over-promised! Just like some friends of mine, they over-promised and even though I had warned them don't over-promised because I want to give them my full trust at their level. Now... Just really... Speechless!

One of the buyers (in my comment page) shared with me that he managed to get it worked and tried to record a video. Since Mokacam Snap claimed they can record a 4K quality video. Let's watch the video quality and you judge it yourself.

Check out the video quality... I don't think it worth the price... I feel like I am getting a standard camcorder for vehicle. :(
I also found out that they have some flaws...

1) If you used their extra battery pack - the 3 LED lights will be hidden!
2) Camera gets so HOT while using it. Even though I have not even taken any PICTURE or VIDEO at all!!!
3) While testing and trying for 15mins, the camera just died off and I have to charge again...

Really... disappointed... NO MORE CROWDFUNDING PROJECT from anywhere! I decide to leave my comment, and contact that company and let's see what is their next step.

12th March 2019 - They replied. I had cleared the cache and reinstalled the app but it is not working, so what's next?
I will update below here.

Updated on 27th Mar 2019
Until now, they have not replied back my emails and comments. Let's be neutral about it. I know they got spammed by hundreds and thousands of enquiries. I read from the comment below from one of the contributor/user of this camera, I need to spam them so that they will reply if not, they won't entertain! My faith on them depreciated. I think it is how a TRULY SMALL company will do. I tried to approach them politely but they will just take me lightly. I think I did my part, the rest is theirs. If they decide to treat me or even others in this manner...

Updated on 17th Apr 2019
I have written them an email for refund...

Let see what they will do next
The next thing is.. a mail entered to my spam box notifies me that their mailbox is full (filled with complaints)
I guess I won't be able to get any refund from them at all...

It is okay! I learned something important and valuable - When we treat others with respect, don't expect others to meet our expectation. I move on my life and at least, I have grown from inside than get angry with people who don't bother.

One more last piece of advice for future crowdfunding mindset that we must have - "you're funding an idea, you are guaranteed nothing ever."



  1. I got this piece of junk too.
    When you pressed the wifi button, the green is flashing, could you connect the wifi through your app?
    It seems the machine is similar to mine, when I connect with wifi. The green is flashing.

    1. Yeah keep flashing. Not flashing quickly though,but when I put in the SD, I can't have all three lights up!

  2. I just wanna tell you after you get it worked, you will be totally disappointed with the quality.
    It is just a 480p camera, not a 4K. we got scammed by Indiegogo and Mokacam. This damn junk is waste of money

    1. So sad... Honestly I got upset and disappointed with myself for being so naive... Waste of money.
      No more Kickstarter and indiegogo!

    2. Me 2. The product is not like as it mentioned, no 4k, not even 1080p. I asked Indiegogo, they are not responsible for anything. So I guess if your product is either damaged itself or not work, I think you should get a refund for that. But they will deduct 25%. Good luck bro!

    3. Thanks. let's hope for the best to get refund... Have you got your refund?

    4. No, unfortunately that piece of junk works in my hand. hahaha
      too bad, or I would get a refund immediately.
      I have uploaded the video on youtube, you can check out the terrible quality it is.

      already used the 4k sd card to record. Terrible

    5. Oh dear... That's horrible ☹️ quality... 4k?! May I use your video on my blog?

  3. sure.. use the videos bro, besides I can record some more video. You know I am so disappointed about this junk, so I just recorded 2 videos to warn others to get refund actually.

    1. Thanks for allowing me to use your videos. I am making this to warn others too

    2. I hope you can get a refund. Just an advice.
      They will ask you to do this and that, you may skip the steps, just tell them you did everything on the blog said, flashed the drive, using the right sd card, record a video how your cam does not work from inserting the right card to the end, and that may speed up the refund.
      they will keep asking questions to get you feel tired, frustrated and give up to refund.

    3. Hahaha. I will try :) now they didn't even reply me. I guess it is one good example of not to support any crowdfunding projects.

    4. Definitely I will not try these projects. Heard many ppl got screwed up already. And Indiegogo will never be responsible for their campaigns. So I guess they both scammed money from us.

    5. Yeah! Can smell their evilness and laughing while holding our money!!! One painful experience

  4. How you deal with them? Any progress?

    1. Thanks for asking.until now,they have not get back to me at all! >:(

  5. Keep asking. Keep posting on the webpage. They just pretend to ignore your msg. Keep doing it.

    1. Just read your thread on the indiegogo page, they are just ignoring you. Damn Mokacam. I read the other threads that they are either ignoring or not refunding, this F___king Mokacam, they knew no one can do anything about it if they just ignore, since Indiegogo won't involve in it. Never purchasing anything from crowdfunding ... same as your thought.

    2. Thanks for dropping by again :) glad to read from you. Yeah they ignore us. I guess I suxk this big time, painful lesson to learn - NO MORE CROWDFUNDING!

  6. .. I think lot of us have been scammed...
    anyway...I bought a gopro7 hahaha...
    never trust those crowdfundings!!!

    1. Hi 曾晴! Nice to read you again. Wow gopro! That's great! Yeah never trust crowdfunding again. Let's pledge together to stop this nonsense!


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