Saturday, March 2, 2019

Hiking - Visiting Peirce again

Yawning* oooh goooood morningggg Blog,

Trying to stay awake. It was Saturday and I was so tired - besides works, have to manage my mood. I must say I am still maintaining and I felt great :)

I woke up early to go for my short hike as usual.
Uncle J told me that his medical report shows not-a-sign on his liver and his doctor advised him to cut down his weight. So Instead of I bring my waifu, I just bring Uncle J to explore more of the quiet place at Peirce. So... Let's GO!

Looks like as if, I am going to fall flat down on the ground. Hahaha!
By looking in this perspective, lift metallic interior does have an alien feeling. Look like I am going to teleport to somewhere... Beam DOWN!
Ah! I got beamed down near my place so I will have to walk to our meeting place
Hmm, I can hear residents start to get prepared for their day.
Once again... My long stretched shadow followed
I sat down and trying to weight my feeling...
It seemed like I got slightly lighter :)
Good morning Uncle J, time for a long walk?
It seemed like Uncle J had overcome the steep slope slowly, just like how I maintain my own mood slowly.
Once again, we arrived at the quiet place :) It seemed like we took lesser time to reach this place.
Peaceful and calm water to ease me
Not just the water, the clear blue sky also has its healing effect
And time to bring out the Sun to set up my stage.
To become a Sir Raffles. Hahaha
Or... I will just be myself.
Sir Jeff pose :D
Okay! Enough taking pictures, time to sit back and chill.
Oh dear... I forgot to shave... just a day and my mustache just popped out awfully...
After reading for a while, time to explore the remaining of Peirce.
(Credit Uncle J for helping) I always want to take a picture of myself at this angle and my photographer can't do so without a leg. Once my new tripod arrives, hope it will help in photo taking.
Time to explore Lower Peirce.
Listening to the "chanting" of the wood - great for our mind.
(Credit Uncle J for helping) My feeling lilted up greatly!
Thank you Nature - Sky, Land and Water
Lower Peirce's most iconic place
(Credit Uncle J for helping) With the Most iconic character - Mr Jeff :)
I learned that I just need to believe myself then I will be safe like this boat - no matter how stormy the water is, as long as it stays as what it is, it will be safe.
I will have to be prepared for the next storm to hit my boat
For now, just enjoy the calmness.
After sending Uncle J to the bus stop, I continued my way home with a lighter heart.

Trying to do some pull-up
And I am still too heavy to pull myself up... So I just give up.
I plan to do push-up 100+ daily.
And I did 160 today and will continue tomorrow. Hopefully, I can do 300 within a month and continue to do so every day.
Time to go home...
and zzzzz.........


  1. Thanks Jeffrey for accompany me for a morning hike. Instead of having a good sleep you need to wake up in the early hours. I hope that all your effort to help me to reduce weight will not be wasted.

    1. Haha you are welcome 😉 I just do whatever I can to help


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