Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Personal - Random October

Hi Blog,

In my previous Sep Randomness, mainly was about my mysterious lump growth on my neck and caused me a lot of headaches and cash, but that didn't stop me from working out. Hope this month will be a positive one!
1st Oct 2018 - Today I collected my PET scan diagnosis and GREAT NEWS! I am perfectly healthy with No sign of cancer growth but... The lump is still an unknown. I will make a part 2 about my lump growth sooner after my MRI scan. (so draining...) if you missed out my post on part 1, you can click here.
2nd Oct 2018 - After I got my diagnosis... I felt mixed because so many people telling me what to do, like as if, I didn't think through enough... I understand they come from good intention but I was wondering that have they REALLY listening to my decision too? Lucky, Mr Y just gave me his opinion and blessing on my decision, so feeling smooth.

3rd Oct 2018 - Today was my last day to be a toilet guard. Watching the time to fly min by min, kind of draining because can't use phone while the pupils are having exam, but that doesn't stop me from taking picture.
4th Oct 2018 - YIPPEE! Finally the mask arrived before the Halloween Horror Nights! I will wear this for pictures during Halloween Horror Nights (post link)! :D Oops... Sorry... I shouldn't anyhow spent money... sorry.
6th Oct 2018 - W, my swimming bubby invited me to go for a free swimming session at some condo. Hopefully, I really envy people who can afford such place where they can gym, swim and enjoy sauna. Their kids are the envious one, because they will grow stronger, bigger and healthier. Oh well... I just have to move on from abyss-thoughts. One thing about the sauna, W tried to murder me while I took a picture because it was too warm for him. HAHAHA!
7th Oct 2018 - TCM told me to stop jogging until my lump tissue subsides further, so... I went for a long fast pace walk.
10th Oct 2018 - My colleague claimed by putting a finger lady on my forehead, will help to remove cold and encourage great imagination - I dare not chit-chat with beautiful lady by looking at her pretty eyes, as I will be shy. So I practise it with this poster. Okay, I still failed as she doesn't notice me.
12th Oct 2018 - Just went through my 2nd interview with SL. I must say everything went on smoothly. Took the forms and my new role as a civil servant, and away from teaching... Sigh... I wonder am I picking the wrong path... Knowing my teaching career will come to the end especially future technology comes in place... The kids do not need to learn Microsoft tools as they will pick up like how I picked up as I learn along and teachers will be the one taking care of ICT lessons. Anyway, time to move on and learn to pick up newer responsibilities.
14th Oct 2018 - During the weekend morning, I wanted to go for hiking but rain needed to shower the lands. So... Maybe I will spend time resting and snoring my way before I accompanied my family. :)
17th Oct 2018 - These days were PSLE marking days aka no pupil around like a mini school holiday, which also mean... CAN CYCLE TO WORK! But... I got meetings after work... Raining took over the sky... WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't express enough with a sian-expression.
19th Oct 2018 - Today I looked at this free bento meal, I reflected something  important. These few days, I experienced the love from Heaven and people around me. Usually, I will prepare my lunch and have to do weekly purchases for ingredients; but due to my neck lump issue and some bad debt from borrowers, my bank is critically low... like $20 in my bank... My workplace got a garden where I can get free vegetables and Okra for my lunch ingredients and nowadays, there were events/workshops in my workplace, free lunching too! My mother helps to ease my loads by home cook and paid for my dinner at times. Sometimes, treats from my friends too. I am so blessed and appreciated.
25th Oct 2018 - Today supposed to go for a meeting so that I can swim at Safra again; but whatever it is, I try to spend some time to relax in the wood. Personally, I feel I am the faulty one whenever I see a group of people getting chatty comfortably. I tend to be the listener than sharing. I envy that they can share happy moments or achievements in life and I only have sour experiences that no one wants to relate with. That is why nowadays I really feel comfortable to be alone and bother no one. Can be tiring explaining what I want. Feeling like tied down but I want to be free which I can't.
31st Oct 2018 - These are my first picture taken by my new phone. It doesn't have the alert sign and speed snap like iPhone. I guess I have to find app to achieve what I want.

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