Thursday, October 11, 2018

Personal - Mystery Lump Growth (Part 2)

Hi Blog,

Here is my part two of my mysterious lump growth, and it maybe the last post about my lump. If you have missed out my first, you may click here.

On the 1st of Oct, was my medical appointment for the PET scan diagnosis.
Here is the report of the scan.
According to the PET scan diagnosis, I read and found out my lump subsided! The best thing about it, was THEY FOUND NOTHING IN THE REST OF MY BODIES; I am Healthy!!! Especially the lump at my neck area.

So doctor said, let's focus on that lump.

He suggested a few methods - one is to remove the cells for lab experiment by needles extraction or ops to remove the lump. I asked why do I have to do that cell extraction again? If you noticed, my case had been handled over from a pretty doctor to a male doctor. He checked my report again on his computer then he asked me a few more questions like, am I a smoker, alcoholic or have sex frequently. No No NO!

Then he asked me to wait for a while.

Looking around his clinic
He came back and explained that he consulted one of his senior doctors about my case, they concluded removing the lump is the BEST solution and prevention. They will open a finger length long at my neck area and remove the whole lump (lymph node) for lab test; they will also remove my tonsil too. They suspected it might be the cause of the lump.

He added in, if the lab test showed it is cancerous, they will have to remove all nodes and go through chemotherapy. The side effects are numbness at my tongue and shoulder. He assured me that I should not be concerned about it.

I think through... If he can't determine what is going on, they should not remove it. So I decided to give myself a timeline to see whether it will subside more, but doctor dismissed it and strongly suggested operation. I told him that I need to consider. Meantime upon next appointment, he will want me to go for MRI scan which costs around $700! OH MY! My wallet is crying now!

here are my thoughts:
- Avoid surgery if possible.
- It is subsiding and it doesn't cause any pain, sore or discomfort in my daily activity.
- If it is cancerous, that is my fate; it will be obvious in numerous of tests.
- If it non-cancerous, good! leave it than touch it.
- Decide to seek for TCM treatment.
- My wallet well is at the lowest, I don't even know whether I can claim it back or not, since I am not hospitalised.
- Let my body heal, unless it starts to grow bigger.
- Remove of my tonsil is a NO NO. I don't have any problem at all despite I will have sore throat once a year, especially when I eat heaty stuff at uncontrollable amount.

I have to be responsible to my decision but the story didn't end there. The real stressful situation was when some of my friends (I know they come from good intention) knew my decision of skipping operation and wait, they started to 'whack' me.

here are their points:
- TCM is slow, impractical and useless.
- Western treatment is the best medical treatment and based on research, due to Western medical treatment, they have increased human's life from 70 to 90!
- Tonsil is the useless part in our body, removing it, which means NO more sore throat or infection.
- You have a big lump, remove it, will solve your problem.
- Money can earn back, pay now than paying more in future if it is cancerous.
- Go for operation, you can claim everything back from insurance.

Honestly... their feedback are also valid but believe me... how they delivered also not very pleasuring...
They added comments like "you are stupid/naive/stubborn/short sighted..." followed with their suggestion. Honestly... I just don't know why my decision has to be dismissed. I am still healthy at this age and I don't think my tonsil has given me any issue besides snoring like a pig. And why get so personal, attacking me than respect one another decision? If my lump got bigger and affect my life, AND still don't want to go for operation, then I deserve such commentaries. Anyway, my stand is FIRM.

Lucky, the doctor said that if one day, my lump gives me troubles, I can come back again.

So I seek for TCM treatment (link)
TCM doctor just wanted me to rest more and learn to relax from stress. 
I don't expect magic to happen, I only expect I make decision on my own because no matter which choice I picked, I will receive comments like those. (Imagine this, if I chose operation, many will comment, why this or that. Never ending story.) Since both choice will have such experience, then I have this formula:

By the next three months,
If lump grows bigger, then surgery; else observe.
If lump grows smaller, then TCM; else ignore and continue to live my life.

I will be going for a medical appointment sooner, and I decided to save money on MRI scan since it can't do much beside more detail than cure.

Thank you to people around me who care, show their concerns, and some give me some financial help in many ways. Thank you to those who pray for me but didn't make a single comment. Thank you to those who make a lot of noises, because you care. Thank you, Heaven for your guidance.


Updated on 7th Nov 2018

After more than a month and painful wallet sickness, the lump subsided even more! Thanks Heaven for taking care of me throughout this somehow-living-the-edge journey


  1. I glad to know that the lump had subsided. I think you make the right decision not to go for surgery as you yourself know best. Wish you all the best. Be happy no worries and no stress.

    1. Aww... Thank you Jimmy for reading. :) I appreciate your encouragement. Domo Arigato!


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