Saturday, October 27, 2018

Hiking - Welcome Back YY

Good Morning Blog,

This weekend was my busiest week - I had many things packed during these days.

Nice Saturday morning weather!
On Saturday morning, I need to prepare my clothing or have enough rest until afternoon, when I have to conduct a sharing session. Evening to night, I will have a shadow-play act recording. Sunday morning, I will have to attend a class until late afternoon. Pocket time to meet a seller, home then meet up for buffet dinner with my family.

But YY, my ex-student whom we had lost contact due to some reasons for years, came back from China and wanted to go for a hike, so I decided to sacrifice my only resting time to go for a hike with him.

Due to my water bag leaked... I have to go with traditional method to keep myself hydrate.
The morning weather was so warm and bright.
But... can't hide the blurriness and tiriness on my face
Really... I thought back... I only slept like four hours.
Waiting for YY and looking at the weird stare from others at me.
It seemed like a cloud woke up too
It has being a while since I encountered a living duck, they are adorable.
OH MAN! I found a YELLOW coated Mushroom in the wood! Amazing!
Finally, after a good long HTHT session, we had arrived the easiest quarry!
Hindhede Quarry
Even though it is easy to visit Hindhede Quarry, I only visit this quarry less than 5 times.
For YY, this is his first visit and achievement.
I become a temporary tour guide to explain a bit of history of Singapore especially the train track.
Thanks YY for taking pictures for me. :)
Next is Singapore Quarry!
Even though based on YY, it looks the same as Hindbede Quarry (In fact, it is the same hill), It is still majestic to view at a closer range.
My same old question... How did the fishes get here?
Thank you to my photographer
Oh? Are you pointing somewhere?
Oh! You want me to ask YY to be in the pictures? SURE!
YY, my photographer asked for a shot. Smile!
One two three... JUMP!
I had to end the hike earlier because I need to go back home to prepare my next programme. Thanks YY for accompanying and glad that you learned something today. :)


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