Thursday, October 4, 2018

Personal - I am J-Rex

Hi Blog,

Today was a Children's Day Celebration and we were asked to do a performance for the kids. Honestly, during all my teaching years, I always asked to take photos for the event but this time, I can go for performance and I had helpers to cover the event!

Since we were making musical performance and most of the teacher were also doing the same musical performance, so I decided to add in something which I always want to do!
Hope the kids will love it!

I transformed to my true form! I am J-Rex! I have short arms, big fat legs, untoned thick waistline and big head. Getting Ready!
As I stepped out, CHEERING and clapping filled up the hall but I can only hear muffled noise within the suit.
I barely sensed my path to my performing area.
Check out the actual performance
1, 2, 3 GO!
Speaking about the drumming, I can't hit properly within a small window.
Because too muffled, so I missed some of the beats. Hahaha, wearing a costume is the best way to distract the audiences.
I just laughed loudly in the warm warm suit.
But I tried my Best to match the beats.
Smile to the camera!
A shared video from my colleagues and teachers were happy watching at our performance. :D
At the end of the performance, I removed my wet T-Rex costume and I heard the kids were calling for something. I heard my colleague told me that they were calling for "dinosaurs" but I heard "Mdm Sore." I was puzzled and wondered who is Mdm Sore.
Thanks A for come to me and requested a wefie. My heart melted... Thank you A. :) So sorry I can't get you children's day gift but I will get you something before long school holiday comes.
Jeff aka J-Rex

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