Thursday, October 18, 2018

Jogging - Loads of GIF II

Hi Blog,

This will be my second GIF post. If you had missed my first, you can check here. Okay! Back to topic, despite my practitioner told me to stop jogging until I recovered. I decided to go for a slow jog because it had been raining for days. Today no rain meaning I should go for a slow jog.

And decided to make a GIF post.
Warning! This post is loaded of GIF and will take high data consumption, don't read this post until you have internet connection.

You had been warned, so let's continue!

First thing - dress up! Pardon me of my fatness...
Wear my sweat band. White is still my favourite, even though it can get dirty like what others had told me. Believe me, whatever colour it is, it will still get dirty! At least, I am not deceiving myself that it is not.
Checking my phone and realised... OOPS! Only left 20%... I should charge it but no time left before the sun set.
Quickly wear my socks and GO!
Checking my surrounding before I stepped out. My neighbours will give me an awful look if I wear this within their sight.
Oops... the lift. Hope no one sees me.
Setting my phone for GPS to record my jogging - slow pacing but I don't care.
OKAY! Let's go!
Slow, right?
Lucky my photographer doesn't mind :)
Time to on Pokemon Go to hatch eggs
Feeling great when I don't bump anyone while jogging.
So I can take pictures whatever I want.
Catch some poke poke.
If I can fly, the feeling of flying through the wood is great!
As I was jogging... I noticed something...
Before I stepped deeper into the wood, it is 630pm and the place was already darken... Oh dear... What if someone kidnaps me, then HOW? Hahahah.
I had to speed up and by 7pm, the whole place was consumed by darkness. Cool experience! Lucky, I am still safe.
Time to go home and get fat.
Hope you will like my GIF post. I also think it is an unique way to express my experience for the day. Don't worry, I won't do that in every post because it takes up a lot of space.


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