Thursday, October 18, 2018

Food - Vege Pot 素砂煲 (closed)

Hi Blog,

It has been a while since I have posted a new post on food, because I am gathering pictures by visiting the same stall as many as I can. In this post, I want to dedicate one post for this hidden vegetarian stall at Fortune Centre.

It is named, Vege Pot. (Happy cow's review and their facebook page)
I will share with you some of my food experience and dishes that I have covered so far. Anything new, I will add in here.

First of all, because it's location is kind of challenging to locate in some way; along the way to this stall, there are many vegetarian stall. So those customers who knows this place, are the one who knows what they want to eat and chill. For those who touch-and-go, won't want to find/notice this stall.
I made a short video on how to find Vege Pot at Fortunate Centre.
Personally, I find the staff are friendly and polite to serve. Despite they speak Mandarin, they can still communicate with simple English language. Their selling point is their unique, affordable and healthy food selection.

Whatever you see here, this is just their initial menu. They have newer dishes written on their whiteboard, beside this menu. Maybe one day, they will change/improve the look of this menu.
Mainly, they focus on Hotpot cooking style and there are Korean and Japanese hotpot cuisine. Hmm... I guess they are still learning to pick those cookable dishes.

For those heavy intakers, do take note. Their dishes potion seem kind of small, but the healthy way is not to fill up our tummy. Don't take that as a complaint but do give them a chance to shine.

Below are dishes that I have covered till dated.

Braised Tomato Ramen - Love the Tofu and smooth, sweet gravy
ClayPot Black Pepper Mutton - The mutton meat is the one which tastes greatly.
ClayPot Braised Pork Rice - A simple braised rice set
Claypot Unagi Rice - One of their new dishes which are not showed on their image-menu. But the potion is small.
Curry Mani Leaf Rice - Interesting curry that I have ever tasted. Very... Leavy! HAHA!
Gongbao Monkey head Mushroom Rice - for a mushroom lover, this tastes great and amazing how they handle the mushrooms.
Handmade Dumpling with Dry Ramen - If you like ramen, you will love this dish. :D
Hotpot Ramen - This is the soupy style in hotpot.
Five Spices Braised Beancurd King Oyster Mushroom Rice Set - Whoever loves black sauce will love this one.
Fried Oyster/Orh Luak - one of their new dishes for 2020. Love the texture of the corn flour, sticky and good. If they can increase the potion of it by 1.5 times, will confirm have a satisfying customer :)
Kimchi Noodle - My favourite Kimchi Noodle like Army stew
Mala Noodle - Their new dishes for 2020. Easy and great way to have Mala for your meal. I even asked the boss to add more mala sauce and they won't mind. :D
Penang Aysam Laksa - Interesting taste laksa - sour and hot.
Penang Curry Mee - Hmm... it tasted different from the typical curry
Penang 'Prawn' Mee - this one is an odd one for me. I don't see any prawn swimming in this dish and spicy-type of soup, I just can't figure out what I was eating
Red Yeast Mee Sua - I have not tried this dish personally. Should be sweet and tasty.
Rendang Curry Rice - My favourite curry ever. Can someone teach me how to make this? Recommended!
Satay Tempeh - Fried Tempeh accompanied with Satay sauce will never go wrong. If you don't have enough Satay sauce while eating this. You may ask from them :)
Sambal Fish Rice - Nice and spicy. Will eat this next time.
Sweet Vinegar King Oyster Mushroom Rice Set - Oh my! This one tastes GREAT! I don't mind to have two of the same dish. Recommended!
Thunder Tea - Not a fan of thunder tea. Too Raw. Hahaha!
Tomato Petai Rice Set - PETAI will always taste great in anyway.
Handmade Unagi - Honestly, I am not sure how the original Unagi will taste like. All I know, it is a seaweed wrap-type of dish.
In future, I will continue to add in more dishes to complete the menu on my blog. Stay tuned.

Updated on 11/1/2019
- Two new dishes added in.

Updated on 11/1/2020
- 宮寶猴頭菇

Updated on 9/3/2020
- Mala Noodles
- Fried Oyster/Orh luak

Updated on 18/8/2020
- Penang 'Prawn' Mee
- Satay Tempeh

Updated on 08/10/2020
- Curry Mani Leaf Rice
- Penang Curry Mee
- Handmade Unagi
- Sambal Fish Rice

Updated on 2024
- Closed


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