Friday, April 14, 2017

Cycling - Seat Trouble

Hi Blog,

TODAY WAS A GOOD FRIDAY meaning.... HOLIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't realise that there is a holiday until Monday. So.... meaning.... EXERCISE!

I don't sleep on that day so I cycled with my Fattie.
Awww.... Thank you Heaven.... what a scene.
Today after riding North to visit my old friend and on my way back... My Fattie seat gave way; I guess I am getting fat.

I can't ride my bike properly despite of standing riding was tiring... So I just walked with fattie.
The handle lost its grab of my seat, after riding for so many times, I hardly investigated my seat.
It should be like this.
Thanks goodness that Quan gave me the necessary tools to tighten the nuts.
Thanks Heaven for such minor problem on my fatbike than a major one. Every problem is actually a good way to keep everything on-check.



  1. Wowww.... The tree like a tree in Pandora #Avatar

    1. Hahaha Hey Allen :) Thanks for visiting my blog.
      Yes :D it is. Love that picture


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