Sunday, April 16, 2017

Food - Elemen 元素

Hi Blog,

My friends wanted to try vegetarian food at Elemen 元素 (facebook link), so it gave me a chance to write about food on my blog. In future, I will gather as many food pictures from the store then write reviews on them. :)

Elemen's food concept is to serve fresh, clean and healthy food in stylish cuisine which fuses Asian and French styles. Take note, because Elemen always change their menu, so I might need help to catch up with their new dishes but I will park the discontinued dishes' photos for taste memory.

OKAY! Let me show you the food we ordered.

Starter & Bread

The 5th Elemen Appetiser - It does not look like they have anything new. I still like their first edition.
Rosemary Breadsticks with Raspberry Yogurt Sauce - Yummy :3 Yoghurt! After we finished with the bread, I cleaned the yoghurt sauce. Hahaha
One of the tastiest Apple Cider. I have fallen in love with cider. :D You can only get this cider when you order the 8-course set.
(Discontinued) The 4th element Appetiser - Is the current starter dish. hmm... some mixed feelings about changing their appetiser but I will treat it as a new idea and it is still not as bad as I imagined.
(Discontinued) 3rd Elemen Appetiser dated 18th Oct 2020 - they advised us to eat from right to left so that the sourness of the small tomato won't affect the light sour taste of the mushroom. Personally, I feel I need to eat more than just one of each. I still prefer the previous version though. The mushroom is yummy. :3
(Discontinued) 2nd change of Elemen Appetiser
(Discontinued) The Elemen Appetiser - First version


Churros Fruit Rojak - Seriously?! Churros Fruit salad. Weird mixed and I wish they could put more fruits and churros at least... I don't have enough of it.
Japanese Tofu with Century Egg - This one is one of the most easily created dishes, classic and simple. I wanted to know what the yellowish jelly is. I might want to make this myself.
Smoky BBQ Salad - To be honest, this dish can be good but if you compared it to the picture on the menu... This can become one of the MOST STINGY dishes ever. Disappointment.
Quinoa Salad - When people were busy with the leafy salad, I focused on scooping the quinoa.
(Discontinued) Grilled Halloumi with Tomato & Watermelon - Quite a decent dish. Can't leave any deep impression.
(Discontinued) Grilled Mushroom and Kale Salad - If you dislike vegetables, please don't pick this. The amount of kale is so overwhelming!
(Discontinued) Mushroom Salad - OH man! Mushrooms are nicely cooked, chewy and nicely sauced.
(Discontinued) Spinach Salad - Anything will taste good with Japanese Seasoning Sauce.
(Discontinued) Black Cloud Fungus Salad - At first, I was trying out new dishes and didn't expect anything impressive from them, but this one has its unique mix of flavours. Give it a try!
(Discontinued) Rojak (Fruits Salad) - The portion is a bit too small but with slightly costly fruits so should be okay.
(Discontinued) Silken Tofu Salad Topped with Crisp-fried lotus chips - Rather expensive tofu and you are eating an artwork. I can make this one :D


Double-Boiled Cordyceps Flower with Peach Gum in Superior Soup - This was my first time having Cordyceps in my food option. I didn't know it tasted the same as mushrooms!
Wild Mushroom Cream Soup with Truffle Oil - The aroma of truffle is so intoxicating. Yummy!
Freshly Roasted Tomato Basil Soup - I know you know I am a Truffle sucker but this soup almost won the truffle position in my taste bud. :D Great taste!
Double-Boiled Herbal Soup with Dried Fig - hey hey. If you are really reading my content and want to place your order for soup... with the money that we are about to spend...Skip this one. Go and order other soups. It tastes decent but just meh.
(Discontinued) 5 Elements Soup - More like 5 mushrooms soup. :) Decent.
(Discontinued) Double-Boiler Lingzhi Soup - If you love mushrooms, this one is great :)
(Discontinued) Double-boiled Maca Soup - Light herbal soup; not too salty or thick; this one tasted great.
(Discontinued) Enoki Bisque is an interesting soup to try. If you don't like the truffle smell, this one is good too!
(Discontinued) Tortilla Soup - but can't win the taste of the mushroom soup.


Kale Tofu with Black Truffle Wild Rice - The truffle smell spices up the whole dish to another level
Peppery Shroom Rice - A kind of hot clay pot-style dish. The rice was nicely cooked.
Tempura Tofu with Avocado Roll - My all-time favourite Sushi + Avocado + Tofu! The way of laying the sauce (mayo) is art.
Seaweed Tempura Tofu with Meatless Unagi Roll - I can't have enough for sushi. Ordering Sushi as your main is not recommended unless... someone wants to treat you or ask everyone to order extra.
Black Truffle Porcini Pasta - Ah... Truffle. Just nice. :) Perfect!
Dry Truffle Ramen - Don't get to smell the truffle but it is nice and smooth.
Wild Mushroom and White Truffle Pizza - I will say this main dish is worth the price :)
Spinach Mushroom Pizza - Standard pizza taste but if I had a choice, I would choose Truffles Pizza more. :)
Hawaiian Pizza - Quite standard pizza but it is a waste of money to order pizza in Elemen.
Breaded Shroom Cutlet with Golden Egg Fried Rice - Nice a looking dish... but the shroom is rather difficult to chew; not recommended for the elderly.
Mala Pasta - As a mala lover... this one is interesting for me to try once and NO MORE. You can try it and move on to the next one next time.
Truffle Broth Ramen - one tasty ramen... and it is also one costly ramen.
Moonlight Truffle Noodle - Quite tasty noodles and additional with an egg york is no doubt tasty!
Spicy Oyster Mushroom Omelette Pasta - What an Asian fusion with a Western dish.
Braised Tai Lok Mee - Typical thick mee if you have nothing to eat.
Braised Udon - Smooth noodle if you love udon.
Seaweed Egg Fried Rice - A fragrance fried rice with egg.
Seaweed Tempura Tofu with California Roll - Interesting sushi combination but it was rather hard to chew.
Moonlight Truffle Noodle - A fusion of Chinese and Korean/Japanese dishes plus truffle oil. Quite tasty.
(Discontinued) Sizzling Quinoa Brown Rice - The clay pot overcooked brown rice is yummy; they made it right. Those who love Claypot 'roasty' taste, will love this.
(Discontinued) Blue Flower Tofu with Black Truffle Wild Rice - Interesting colour for Tofu but it doesn't add any taste to the visual.
(Discontinued) Tempura Tofu with Spicy Shiitake Purple Rice Roll - Highly decorative sushi with purple rice, and a lot of textures sushi.
(Discontinued) Lasagne - Small portion of Lasagne which I really hope for a bigger portion for that price... :(
(Discontinued) Milana Pizza - A very leafy and yet meaty type of pizza.
(Discontinued) Japanese Curry Udon with Beancurd Roll - Decent curry taste.
(Discontinued) Truffle Carbonara - Like I said... anything Truffle is good. :D


Double-Boiled Lemongrass with Peach Gum - I didn't get to taste this because I just had Ice Cream Dome which was cold and this dessert was hot one. Overall, it is a decent and typical dessert.
Classic Tiramisu - Expensive CAKE!
Toffee Chocolaate Cake with Gelato - This one is perfect for sweet tooth.
(Discontinued) Brownie with Vanilla Gelato - Something simple but tastes nice :)
(Discontinued) Raspberry Panna Cotta - Decent dessert with sweetness in your mouth
(Discontinued) Steamed Sticky Date Pudding - Honestly... the taste is better than its name! :D Nice one! Fluffy date pudding accompanied with gelato and toffee sauce. Sweet dessert!
(Discontinued) Chilled Aiyu Jelly & Aloe Vera with Lime Juice - This one is great. if you want something sweet and yet accompanied by some other taste. this one is your choice!
(Discontinued) Apple Crumble with Gelato - This one tastes nicer with crumble and cold cream.
(Discontinued) Raspberry Vanilla Dome - The crispy biscuit and a Dome of Ice Cream.
(Discontinued) Snow Chrysanthemum with Grass Jelly - Typical.
(Discontinued) Chilled Purple Rice Porridge with Coconut Ice Cream - Hmmm... okay. Decent but don't expect much.
(Discontinued) Chocolate Lava Cake with Vanilla Ice Cream - Best to mix the ice cream and the warm cake.


Sea Salt Coffee - I am not coffee person... so...sea salt coffee? Really?!
Iced Pink Grapefruit - Actually quite surprisingly great
Pumping Pomegranate - Just an interesting taste of warm pomegranate smell tea
Fresh Dragonfruit and Guava Juice - Don't know why I feel this cup is too small as compared to the image in their menu. I have nothing much to comment on this one besides knowing it is just dragonfruit and guava mixed.
Iced Peachy Osmanthus - I have no personal preference over drinks but having something to chew after drink, is like a bonus.
(Discontinued) Peach Hibiscus Tea - To be honest, from the picture you can't even tell which is which. But it smells great!
(Discontinued) Logan Red Date Tea - I have not tasted it but decent.
(Discontinued) Iced Lychee Green Tea - Can't leave any deeper impression
(Discontinued) Ice Coconut Mint with Butterfly Pea Flower - If you have some cider to spare, let's make some magic show.
(Discontinued) Fresh Watermelon and Coconut Juice - Something refreshing which worth the price.
(Discontinued) Strawberry Basil Lemonade - Normal strawberry tasty drink
(Discontinued) Summer Passionfruit Tea - Hmmm... Similar to Spearmint tea but just change the teabag...
(Discontinued) Spearmint Tea - Nice mint taste tea and can ask to refill.
(Discontinued) Yuzu Mint Mojito - Interesting Yuzu drink with carbonated water.
(Discontinued) Apple Kale Juice - Expensive Apple Juice...

Overall, the whole meal at Elemen was a special one - like dining like a high class but the food portion is kind of small but that is how western cuisine works - Don't need a lot and maintain 75% full, so if you want to fill up your tummy with food, Elemen might not be suitable unless you don't mind order additional dish beside 8 and 5 courses set. The waiters and waitresses are young youth and well-dressed; the owner wants to maintain youthful quality in service and environment. well... the price seemed costly in some sense, but it is okay for once in a while.

Updated on 11th Jan 2019
Newer pictures and dishes were added.

Updated on 18th Oct 2020
Newer dishes and discontinued dishes updated.

Updated on 25th Dec 2020
Newer dishes added.

Updated on 11th Jul 2021
Newer dishes were added and some discontinued dishes.

Updated on 3rd May 2022
Newer dishes were added and MANY discontinued dishes too!

Updated on 3rd Jul 2022
Newer dishes were added.

Updated on 4th Dec 2022
Updated some missing dishes

Updated on 14th Feb 2023
Added in some missing dishes

Updated on 20th Feb 2024
Added in some missing dishes


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