Sunday, April 2, 2017

Hiking - Kranji Marshes

Good Morning Blog,

Today I will be going to Kranji Marshes and one thing special was that I was going with a group strangers; people of same interest, whom I bumped online (

Initially when I did some research on Kranji Marshes (read more about that place), I read that it is a newly developed nature reserve in Singapore, which located North-West of Kranji Reservoir.

So I brought a DSLR along to this trip
Honestly.... I don't know what to expect for this trip, so I just went there with less expectation and kind of nervous...

The organiser instructed us to meet at Woodland Station by 745am, so I left EK's house 655am and took bus 161 at Seng Kang, which can Woodland station directly.
I just wore my usual sport attire with my favourite trisuit within.
And I was late for 10 mins....... but lucky I checked the instruction that they will be taking bus 925 to Kranji Marshes
After affirmed that this was the line to Kranji Marshes, the visitors pointed to me that the man in green is the organiser. And while waiting for the bus to arrive... I realised that I am the only people who went alone without knowing anyone.
Here came the bus
So... I will be travelling with them
Well... I learned that the bus was a bit noisier than usual, because everyone practically knows one another, and I was just the awkward one. Hmmmm... Like I said, I know this will happen and I just followed the flow.
Seemed like good weather for the day!
Test my DSLR - snap snap snap
Okay! We had arrived Sungei Buloh Wetland
It seemed like Sungei Buloh is at its low tide moment, did you see that man walking on the water?
A peaceful and quiet road but sooner will be polluted by us
Everyone started to march toward a direction after alighted from bus/
The organiser gave everyone a short briefing and I just become photographer for the event.
He wanted everyone to watch over the traffic on this narrow road, as we will be walking single file against the traffic. Try not to risk yourself by talking with friends and forget about the incoming traffic - cars, trucks and cyclists. Let's watch out one another.

Ah! there was one person in the group who made me feel connected and went easy together, she is Lee - a cheerful and friendly lady. She seems like a regular in such meetup or other activities. Thank you Lee :)
Single file is what we can maintain than a little kid. Hmmmmm weird... at times, we behaved like little kid, forgot our safety and talking with our neighbors.
Check out the heavy traffic on these narrow road.
Kranji Marshes ahead
Slightly cloudy, meaning will  rain today
after around 2km walk from the bus stop, make a left turn and we had arrived!
Kranji Marshes!
hey Blog, usually I will make a Jeffie-style here but I was embarrassed to do it here, maybe next time.
I stood at a corner.... forveralone as usual. Don't have a clique...
WAH! To be honest, Kranji Marshes is one of the important and largest biodiversity in Singapore. Nature Photographer like them carrying big-axx weapon, is a norm here.
Actually I should stop and read about this place... well... Just take pictures
Now the photographers mmoving to new location.... I wonder how much is their camera cost.
My first plant photographed for the day
I love this shot alot because you can tell the bonding/conversation that they engaged. People with the same interest bonded together. Well.... I guess I will just embrace the moment.
CROCODILE SPOTTED! oh... fake one... 
You will see this flower - Arudina graminea (ID by Boon) everywhere in Kranji Marshes, they look pretty, don't they? 
WOW! There is a giant stick structure at the entrance. Oh man! I WANT TO DO my Jeffie-style here!
Checking on the distance cover later
What were they looking at? Oooooo Hahaha Iguana hiding. 
Hmmmm Where were we heading actually? Hmmmm Don't ask and follow
A few chopped plants were removed, it seemed like there is risk of tree falling here.
Ah! Here is the Kingfisher Burrow bridge - interesting grass layout
I missed my jeffie style.... anyway, stick to selfie mode.
Raptor Tower - right now under construction, if not, we can look over at the core conservation area.
one of the people suggested that we should take this route by walking on top of the pipe back to where we started. Hmmmm nope!
this is the spawnhen hide where we can observe the marshes birds at the undisturbed condition.
but... your noise had already scared them off...

Did you see a bee-like fly feeding on nectar? It is a Hover Fly.
somehow my mind was playing a scene of phone dropped. Oops!
The finding of insect really made them excited and took pictures like paparazzi
Hello PRETTY :) Even though I can't chat with the humans, but I can chat with you. Thank you for posing for me.
Want to hike but afraid of tanning. :) What an unique way of enjoying the hike and protect herself.
OH! You can't hide from me, Mr Iguana and Thank you for posing for me too. :D
At Kranji Marshes, there are many unique dragonflies and this one just observing me. What a curious creature.
Hahaha on this trip, it was great to find a fun-guys.
Back to the entrance, they rested their feet and having fun teasing one another. What a bond. Admirable.
AH! A pair of Atlas Moth mating :3 Hey! Moth! Go and get some room.... XD 
I didn't know this one spread by wind! :D
one of big cannon photographer captured the Atlas Moth having sex and the group came out a weird shooting style - take the picture on the preview LCD. Power...
I spotted a little creature resting on the stem of tall grass. :) Thank you Wind for stop blowing.
CHECK OUT THIS fake COCONUT TREE! It is a Great structure. :)
now everyone walked backward to Sungei Buloh Wetland
After 30 mins walk and we had arrived.
No more Jeffie-style today
Feeling great to take picture through DSLR - Can't stop feeling thankful to whatever I can think of.
AH! Now it was Low Tide! In my previous post (link) my visit to Sungei Buloh, it was high tide and I don't get to cross it.
CUTE Mudskipper!
It seemed like they saw something.
Did you see it?
Everyone crossed over the bridge and in fact, we can step into the muddy swamp but... WHO WANTS TO DIRTY THEIR SHOES?!
Let's cross over.
Close up of an adult mud skipper!
Slippery ground so crossed with caution.
oooooo Here is the Dragonfly Pod.
Their reaction can give you a hint that they spotted something interesting and it was
a Spider ahead our heads
with somebody's tricks and treats.
I won't take any picture myself with my phone - that is impossible.
My favorite shot for the day - like a sword in the water aka Game Over.
A interchangeable landscape which you will see different faces at different time.
Count how many spiders sharing the same web?
Eagle Pod at low tide
Marsh Bird hunting
In my previous post (link) that I told myself to educate myself with information of this place, and I placed my soul here. Well.... I will have to give this a miss, as I need to go back home for next meeting. I will be back to collect my second souls.
Let's go!
hmmmm with nearly 10km and we used 3hours in total... it seemed like we stopped too many times.
Overall, I have to thank the oragniser because some times, the members will blame the organiser for not well informed or selfish. But as a leader, they have given everyone a chance to read up on the meet up location and timing; as a member, we have to follow. 

Back to Kranji Marshes, I feel a bit disappointed as I really wanted to visit the core restricted area. Let's me google.... Hmmmm.... I got this pieces of information (link)
Kranji Marshes is separated into two areas - a public area and a restricted core area which is only accessible through tours.
The National Parks Board (NParks) said this is because the core conservation area is considered ecologically sensitive.
"We just completed development and vegetation has not grown back yet and the wildlife are still coming back," said Mr Wong Tuan Wah, director of conservation at NParks. "So we want it to establish itself first for the next six months to one year, and we'll establish how the conditions are like."
Within the public area, visitors can climb a 10.65-metre tall Raptor Tower to get a panoramic view of the surrounding marshes. There are also blinds, which are open-air structures where visitors can observe the wildlife from.
So.... maybe one day they will open to public :)


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