Friday, April 7, 2017

Personal - Helping Out My Friend's Wedding

Hi Blog,

today one of my colleagues, Tan asked me for helping him to take pictures during his ROM. To be honest, I felt honored to help out even though I might be used by others. I learned to accept the fact and honored whatever opportunity to build relationship.

Love love display corner for newly married couples.
This is my first time visited the ROM and witnessed how it is done legally.

when is my turn.... Just smile and live on!
Due to respect my friend's privacy, I won't post anything which reveal their faces. While waiting for the couple's solemnisation, there were many newly couples waiting for their turn to be called to complete the ceremony.

Wish you two last and loving forever.
Overall, this was my first wedding photography too.
I got a lot to learn.
To think back... I am a great person myself but where is my Mrs Right; I guess Heaven has His own arrangement. Many people think I think too much, my character has flaw, no confidence with myself etc etc, but none of them know that behind the wall I have infront, is my passionate and gentle side.

I told myself that I should not judge others but to learn to accept others including their flaws.
Sometimes I will feel low self-esteem due to like, as if those married couples have no flaw themselves. To get real, their flaws are accepted or appreciated.

I will continue to do my given homework/tasks from Heaven, the fate will come if chemistry and timing ripe.
In the past, I will feel emo whenever I attended wedding events, but this time, I feel positive, it seemed like I have stepped out from my shadow slowly.

Where is mine?! Heck care! Let's move on!
Due to my own awakening, This dinner seemed like a reward moment.
Thank you Heaven and Tan for serving great food for my dinner.

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