Saturday, April 1, 2017

Personal - Tomb Sweeping

Happy April Fool Day Blog,

Today I received a message which really fooled me on WhatsApp (below)
left the group.


       ( ͡ ⚫͜ ʖ͡⚫
        \ 👉    \  👉

Oh well... it got me! XD that can trick others thinking that you left the group chat! Copy the message and test it yourself. Anyway back to topic.

Today was a day when we traveled together for tomb sweeping and a short simple post for today.

I pull out this foldable table behind cupboard, it was a Michael Owen, one of the infamous and handsome soccer player, and my father received this by drinking carlsberg... a lot of it...
Hmmmm what is tomb sweeping for?

It is also named as Qing Ming Festival (link), the day when the young and old gathered to pray, to remember and honour their ancestors, like cleaning and tidy the tomb, and offering etc. In Singapore, when I was still young, we will visit Lim Chu Kang Chinese Cemetery with my relatives; but due to limitation of land, descendants will have to cremate and place at one of the units at Mandai Crematorium... Even though no more tomb activity, but the attitude toward tomb sweeping will not be forgotten. most importantly, it is a festive when family members gathered together to share the memories and appreciation of that descendant.

Anyway, my brother fetched us with his vehicle for this last round, as he won't be driving after Nov.

My last time seeing this collection of Chipmunk - which represents my brother and me since young.
My mother made her lead to purchase the offering and food, and... I can sense that she started to let my brother doing the lead slowly.

People and Cars were everywhere during weekends of the Qing Ming Festive
Smoke was everywhere too... I don't quite support the idea of burning...
(I won't share the reason because not many people will like to listen it, but if you ask me personality, I will let you know.)
Cleaning and setting up
A wefie together and have to take pictures secretly - as my mother is taboo over it.
Praying and telling my father that we had arrived
I glad my mother won't offer any meaty stuff and keep it vegetarian;
great improvement for the world, us and spiritual world.
Check out the Hell Note, I wish it is real XD
To be honest, if you check the burning items, it is an art; it has almost everything - cash, daily products to drinks, furnitures, shirts and more. 

at the moment... Deep thought: Those burning will still go back to ashes...
return to formless; from materialize to de-materialize, back to "memory"-state.
So why attached to material? Oops! Too deep!
It was a great bonding day but the youngsters don't know the true meaning of tomb sweeping... They just followed the practice.... Hopefully one day they will learn the true meaning of such festive.


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