Thursday, April 13, 2017

Personal - Feeling Relief

Hi Blog,

This will be my third year teaching in school; my plan to handle my own attachment feeling with pupils, is to stay away from knowing them. But I reflected... I should not have any expectation on people, just do my job because that is my passion, I should not cloud my objectives/agenda/mission.

Photography isn't about how it looks, but it is about how it feels.
Seeing the P6s enjoyed the short course on photography (I can't say everyone), at least they have fun.

Initially I won't want to "have" them in my memory but I thought through... I should not live in the past and carrying bad memory.... Why not I make new memory? So I took my camera and captured the moment with them.

I am glad I did this, I don't include the outcome or how much they care or concern over them.... I should not expect the outcome as I desired. Just let those poisons go... I feel relief

Thanks Dxmaians for taking wefie with me. :) Thank you


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