Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Blog - Random Moments On February

Hi Blog,

While I have made an overview of my workouts for the month, at times I will also capture myself doing random stuff with my camera. So instead of creating a post just for randomness, I just gather all of them as one post, so that my blog will be more organised.
3 February 2017 (Model Wanna-be)
When Come to have confidence, to be honest I don't. Many years I feel inferior of myself, and knowing I am not worthy to be whatever as I have nothing to be confident of. Like example, I am not even qualified to be a model. But recently I learned one important lesson, which is "do I learn how to accept myself; accept who I am; accept the goodness of me." I should not worry how people look at me, I should manage how I look at myself.

8 February 2017 (Let it go)

Raining will keep me wonder and reflect upon whatever I had done, especially when stood on the bus, looking out the window, listening to the rain sweeping the floor, thunder storm roaring above my head...  I learned that "the best thing one can do when it's raining, is to let it go." 

Like raining clouds, they will let the rain go and free themselves. Why do I have to carry the grudge? the more I carry, the more devastating the storm will become. So I shall learn to let go whatever I can. jia you to me! 

10 February 2017 (Middle of the Road)
Sometimes we will worry on our decision whether we should pick left or right, we might be troubled over it, worrying that are we making mistakes in our choices? Shall I follow what majority people have followed? Are they right? By comparing which one is the easy and less effort approach? 

The truth is that we are SCARED of facing our own weakness like facing painful results, accept the mistakes we made, knowing our flaws etc. 

Everyone makes mistakes, and we should embrace one another and understand the fact is even a good choice will still become bad. So hope for the best, prepare for the worst, embrace the outcome.

13 February 2017 (Go back for Reservist)
My fourth cycle of ICT, three more to go. To be honest, I actually like to sign on army if
given a great role/opportunity because I love job in uniform.

 At times I feel how envious when we wake up, we won't need to worry what to wear. An uniform will settle it all, Just like school uniform. You won't need to think about it! The plus points are that we can sense unity and professionalism.

 What's your Favourite uniform in Singapore Army Forces? For me, Best uniform in army is MP. What is yours?
20 February 2017 (Earwig visited)

Earwig is One of the most misunderstood insects due to its name, and think it will burrow into our brain through our ear and make a home inside by laying eggs . Despite of its nasty outlook with a pincer at its tail, it doesn't hunt for brain/ear to stay in but it does stay in wall cracks and moist area, our ears confirmed not suitable for it. There were news (a few) about earwig found in human/animal ears but it was because of insects exploring the world, it won't know it is a crack or ear.
27 February 2017 (Meow)
Just happened to bump to a peaceful, undisturbed and sleepy cat on the chair which meant for visitors to the stall.
But the people or owner just allowed the cat to be itself. If there is a knowing of my past life, I am surely a cat!
28 February 2017 (Karaoke Session)

Singing alone but still celebrate Louis's Bday

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