Thursday, February 23, 2017

Hiking - Trying New Route

Hi Blog,

Yesterday I had a thought to visit Chestnut Nature Park to find the glowing mushrooms, so I studied a path at Upper Pierce Reservoir can access Chestnut zone. My exploration thought kicked in and here I went!

Breathe in and admired good weather
Yes! It was good!
Gear up and let's GO!
Honestly I felt so happy, why?
I slimmed down a bit. Just a bit but it was an achievement for me.
Walking along the busy road to Lower Peirce direction.
Smile and stay positive.
Lower Peirce Reservoir
Really enjoy the moment without anyone
Looked like storm might be coming sooner...
Who cares! Just continue the finding the new route.
After an hour walk, I reached Upper Old Thomson Road
the only road to Upper Peirce Reservoir - long long road
Have been visiting Upper Peirce Reservoir frequently (my quiet place)
but didn't have a chance to take a picture with it.
Slopes and Slopes - Fun and painful for cyclists and runners
I found there is a route connected Old Upper Thomson Road and able to link to Chestnut Nature Park.
Blocked by army live range.... Forbidden Zone!
Oh well... Changed of plan to explore Lower Peirce
Wooden Platform built so that we won't disturb the plants and able to observe them.
oh well, better than nothing.
Hardly any visitors around due to weekday.
Ah! :D Nice scenery!
Calm and peaceful 
Check out the weather today :)
Best place to visit with partner and able heart to heart chatting session
Thumb up for this place!
Sky, Water and Earth
With human in it!
Selfie with this cut off tree
I wondered how it will look like before...
Just feel safe with it
You serve the Earth well.
Okay! Let's go back home.
A Swallow took a break from feeding - Endless supply of mosquitoes here
Iconic structure at Lower Peirce
End my day with this overview of Lower Peirce.
Well.... I guess my purpose of exploration was still valid, I guess I will go to Chestnut Nature Park for glowing mushroom next time.


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