Saturday, February 4, 2017

Cook - Preparing Quinoa Meal

Hi Blog,

Short post of some new stuff I decided to do, since my mother passed me an electric steamer and that vegetarian store closed down, I decided to prepare my own lunch - Cook quinoa for my meal. (link about quinoa nutrition value)

I will have quinoa for lunch - slim down plan. LOL!
Many teachers passed by my desk and they were amazed that I am too health conscious. Maybe in some way I might inspire them to eat healthy.
Here are the steamer with three containers.
One and a half cup of quinoa
I got myself broccoli and mushrooms.
Broccoli - Protein vegetable!
Sliced white mushrooms.
Rise the quinoa in water for 30 mins
Power on and steaming......
after another 30 mins, DONE!
OH MY! Nicely cooked!
The natural well-cooked broccoli and mushroom filled up the office.
My first Broccoli Mushroom Quinoa Meal!
Easy and simple.
My 2nd try with sprouts and golden mushroom
Hmmmm the sprouts are a bit too much...
My 3rd attempt to include egg in my lunch menu
my 4th attempt for spouts.

5th time with long bean
(Will update here if I have any more new ingredients)

And washed it every meal. :)

then keep around two-three hours for it to dry
and restocked every weekend... It is quite enjoyable. :)
Hope I slim down.


~Updated on 9/3/2017~
I realised that my double chin is reducing. :D and one great thing was I feel energetic for eating clean food! I will continue!

~Updated on 16/3/2017~
I weighed myself... it seems like I slimmed down to 1kg... but it is a GREAT result for me!

~Updated on 20/3/2017~
Okay.... I gained my weight back so.... back the same... anyway the 500 grams of quinoa can only last me for two weeks. So I went to Qoo10 to purchase quinoa due to it's attractive price. At NTUC, it costs $12.90 for 500 grams and Qoo10 sells 3 bags of 500 grams of quinoa for $14.90!!!! Affordable!

So I bought mixed coloured quinoa to add some colour to my lunch :D

~Updated 21 March 2017~
First time tasting mixed colour quinoa and it was awesome. It is crunchy and chewy. One more thing about it is, it is SO COLOURFUL!

It looks like sand grains on the beach or jewelry.
It also looks like gems among food

~Updated 13 April 2017~
After nearly two months of making my own lunch, I included carrot and more mushrooms, plus egg too! It is great to see my double chin is almost gone. :D

I feel happy that my double chin has been reduced. :)
~Updated on 18 April 2017~
Today ShiXian introduced to me on Steamed Egg Quinoa, so I tried it myself and overall it was a great way to try new thing.

Not that difficult :D
Mixed with my usual ingredients
but the only problem was......
Had to wash and scrapped like crazy for ten mins, and scratches can be seen... No more.


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