Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Personal - Days During Valentine's Day

Hi Blog,

It is just a short post for me to pass the torturous day night - Valentine's Day. Today my facebook showed me some of my past posts made during these dates and it seems like... Every year since I started using facebook, This V day I will post something...

Foreveralone curse continues since more than 20 years... but believe me... the feeling is the same until now...

trying to be positive but... failed...
2015 - to decode here: I love I Like Person Is Spider
What about this year?

I must say everyone cares for me and wants to help me out of this curse, many years where is my Miss Right. Many told me to change, to try to be someone who can sweet talk or approach her like any other guys in dramas/movies but I just too shy with girls. Then others or girls just comment that I won't find anyone if I am going to be shy.

Deep in my heart, if she is the one then she will know that my shyness is actually a security for our possible relationship (that I don't go around to woo/sweet talk with other girls)

And I know I am sincere and genuine. Oh well :) I have to learn to embrace it and I believe Heaven has plan for me.

If life gives me lemons then I will make a lemonade.

Just like the comic straps, sad but it is funny. I shall embrace it.

One of inspiring message shared by my friend, Jet, he said 
"Celebrate singlehoodness bro.
There are different seasons.
Enjoy the full experiences of all different seasons. 

  • Single
  • Married
  • With kids
Different seasons, enjoy the journey."
I will EMBRACE it - things like ugly, small, unfit, fat, poor, lousy, weirdo, low self esteem, etc because in some way I am saving mankind from not staining the gene pool. (oops sorry... I think I am negative.... trying to be positive.... I guess Acceptance the Facts and live on. I don't want to give myself any fake hope so I can focus on whatever I need or can do.)


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