Friday, February 10, 2017

Hiking - Bringing Newbie

Hi Blog,

TGIF! Yippee! No Raining! I can go on a short jog again! Wait a min. My bro, Rup wanted to visit MacRitchie Nature Trail and needed me to be his trekking guide. He was excited to see the water edge picture which I took on 09 Feb 2017. (pic link in our of my workout pictures)

He is Rup, my fitness consultant and surprisingly he has gone to another side of MacRitchie.  
Since I was going to MacRitchie for a slow jog, and Rup can make it. Let's bring him around!

Along the tour, Rup was constantly encouraged me and taught me how to stay fit and healthy.
Look like an exchange programme and get to know one another better.
Oops! Someone snapped a picture of my fat butt leading ahhead without my consent.
half way, I found a route which seems new.
Ah! It was behind the houses. (map link)
Thanks Rup for helping me to take pictures. Feeling embarrassed so I  also helped to take his picture.
Thank you, Rup.
Errr.... Rup, You done? hahahah

Due to the time constrain, we can't spamming pictures here, as the sky will be getting darker soon. So we doubled our steps to the water edge area.

We found the place!
Nice view, isn't it?
Hahaha... Rup was used to be a model before, he throw in many suggestions how to pose.
Especially place my hands over my love handler to cover my fat, and breathe in like I used to. 
then Smile! :D
Embarrassed to have someone so professional and experience to take pictures of me but he was insisted.
okay! Rup, let's take a picture together. His "looking away" idea as selfie is interesting! Quite Cool!
but I still prefer smile at the camera. :D
Oh yeah There is also Wild Pitcher plant found, they tend to grow quite a size. :)
Due to we took too many pictures and the sky was getting dark!
Both of us hardly visualized the path but there was around 2km of route, so we hold one another shoulder, I carried him because we can't afford to have someone injury in this trip.

But thanks God, we managed to see fireflies in the darkness.
Finally after 40mins we managed to get out of that place. Danger but exciting! 
In the end, Thank you Rup for giving me a lot of compliments and encouragement, and sharing methods to keep fit - start from food and regular exercises.
And since Rup was once a model before, he also told me that many models actually went through photo enhancement to perfect the outlook of the pictures, so I realised I am just like others dreaming for perfect ideal body which I cannot achieve...
in the end, just be natural and Stay Healthy Rup and myself! Jia you for me!


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