Friday, February 17, 2017

Jogging - Evening at Lower Pierce Reservoir

Hi Blog,

It will be a short blog post. Today I got time from my reservist and decided to go for a short jog, to be actual I just wanted to visit Lower Pierce Reservoir during evening time to see the sunset, I heard it is beautiful.

Gear up and let's go!

The sun was about to set.
Awesome :)
There were many joggers and photographers taking pictures of the scene.
Thumb up
A memorial about the building of the iconic place
Not position properly. Hahaha
Beautiful scene
Bright sun still
maybe I should wait for a little while
This hut is really there just right.
If the sky was pinkish/purple will be perfect,
I took some time to explore the place
Rarely to see such structure (using brick style) for drainage
I guess the sky gave me blueish sunset
I just simply laid down and looked up the sky and enjoyed the tranquility of the place.
I guess if I am going to do a short job, I will jog to upper pierre, and if I want to have a long jog, MacRitchie I shall go.


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