Saturday, March 4, 2017

Hiking - Chestnut Revisit - Northern Trail Loop

Good Morning Blog,

Here are two days blog post about Chestnut Nature Park Revisit.

~On 4/3/2017~
Saturday again! Didn't realise time passed so fast, this month is March. I packed up my water bag and stepped out from my house to revisit Chestnut Nature Park.

Let's GO!
but.... something wrong...
check out the weather
It was gloomy... as it rained early morning but it didn't stop me for going to Chestnut.
I happened to bump to those chickens roaming at Sin Ming Ave and MacRitchie,
I thought they are gone due to complains from residents (link) but lucky they are around still. 
Wearing my favourite white and exploring the wood
Wet floor did make the trail more exciting; I just hate wet feet.
or falling down trees - thanks God it didn't injury anyone.
OOPS! The rain came back!
but it didn't stop me from going, just some messy hair.
Half way there! Rain started to get its power.
honestly I hated to see myself in wet hairs... I guess I am aging...
but the drain here didn't run heavily with water, meaning the rain was temporary.
or I should hide under the expressway for shelter....
Nope! I still continued my way to Chestnut.
oops I am losing hairs....
Hmmm still raining.... I stayed under the tunnel for awhile.
Finally arrived to Chestnut but there were a lot of visitors!

Let's start the hike!
Finally I reached Chestnut Nature Park and the number of visitors have increased.
Spotted a giant tortoise sun bathing.
Decent hike at Chestnut Nature Park
oh wait... Previously I went (link) and just completed the southern park of Chestnut,
there is a northern Chestnut Nature Park!
let's GO! :D So exciting to visit new place!
Chestnut Nature Park has route for hikers and bikers (separate and shared routes) uniquely in Singapore. 
Small path and tranquil for me
Like what people will quote - Road is created by foot.
or for the better - just lay down flat rocks.
Check out the mountain bikers looking and figuring which route to pick.
Shared trail and thanks this young biker for posing.
Big shelter for hikers and bikers to rest their feet
Either you can take the Bike or for the Hike - wonderful experience
I glad I found you.
Special Mushroom... I will tell you more once I able to get a picture of it. (link about the mushroom)
Below are some of the Fun-guys I found during the trip! :D

Aren't they fun?
beside Fun-guy, let's check out this weird looking spider which I spent a long time trying to snap it.
:D I guess I am ready to explore newer place if possible.

~On 5/3/2017~

Today morning I went back to Chestnut Nature Park again, and this time I hiked from Northern to Southern part to collect some material for mushrooms to grow.

started from Cashew station
a long stretch of shelter
A beautiful neighborhood
Ready to hike
Hardly take any pictures for the day due to this park has attracted many visitors.
Found more glowing mushrooms!
Found a few logs for the mushrooms and got people telling me off
I guessed they are right... I should not pick anything from the forest.
Forgive me... Nature.



  1. Catch that turtle for me.... Please... Ahaahha.. Nah. Tri suit must be in the wet season. Ahahaah

  2. Haha I noticed that turtle will always be there.


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