Saturday, February 18, 2017

Cycling - Visit Lower Pierce Again

Good Morning Blog,

Today I supposed to wait for activation... but instead of waiting, why don't I go for a short cycle and read a book at my quiet place; since it has been a while I brought my fatbike out.

Reading and enjoyed the scenery
Here is just a short post of my short morning cycling and photo series XD
My fatbike and I - said cheer!
Really love the body perspective - especially the enlarged foot
I have BIG FEET! I hope....
Actually... I took this morning and tranquility of the place to do some self reflection. 
Recently my spiritual got wear off by differences, misunderstanding, unsupported, ego-bashing, and labeling...
I am kind of lost and disorientated...
but to look back... They aren't understand the path I picked.
I learned why I got affected because I just wanted to be "recognized" and demanded others to "understand/like" me.
I guess I am wrong and selfish, I have to repent and change myself.
Okay! Jeff! Reset yourself and move on! :) be Strong
Single or attached isn't matter. I just have learned to live with myself.
Two ways to spread light are be the candle or the mirror that reflects it. I guess I will want to be both - be lighted candle and reflect it back to my heart and others.

A post shared by Jeff Wong (@3sgjeffery) on


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