Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Blog - My January Workout Overview

Hi Blog,

This is just a summary post for my workout for that month, because sometimes I only have a short simple swim, I will make a post for it. I found it inefficient, so why not I gathered my short workout as one post?

Okay! let's start!

2nd Jan 2017 (Cycling)
Cycling in my favourite white
(click on the pic to read more)
8th Jan 2017 (Swimming)
Just an usual routine for my swimming, still fat.
13th Jan 2017 (Cycling)
Night Cycling and Fatbike is ready!
(click on the pic to read more)
15th Jan 2017 (Hiking)
Trying out new places
(click on the pic to read more)
21st Jan 2017 (Swimming)
Just keep swimming
22nd Jan 2017 (Hiking)
The amount of stairs was nightmare.
(click on the pic to read more)
31st Jan 2017 (Hiking)
Visit to Chestnut Nature Park
(click on the pic to read more)

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