Sunday, January 22, 2017

Hiking - Forgotten Quarry and Stairs of Hell

Good morning Blog,

Once again, I decided to spend some time hiking, Mr Ked wanted to exercise so he tagged along on this trip too. We decided to start from Bukit Gombak because of one reason - was to find the forgotten quarry - Seng Chew Granite Quarry. It has been around in blogs and facebook videos.

From one of the bloggers, (link) and (link) the place was restricted and unsafe. So please be caution while you are visiting this forgotten quarry.

Looking at the small hill and wondering where shall we start.
So... we climbed up the slope, lucky the ground wasn't wet.
When you see water flow, there will always lead to the water source.
The vegetation started to take over the place.
Out of my surprise, we found the entrance of Seng Chew Granite Quarry already!!!
Within  less than 10 mins stroll. I thought we might go deeper.
This is the forgotten quarry.
Seng Chew Granite Quarry
It is a lake now, I believe it is quite deep.
History will wash off by time.
Thanks Heaven for such safe trip in and marked a foot print on this place and my memory. 
okay next stop to Bukit Timah Hill
Don't know why.... I got many boners while walking... So embarrassing but lucky not many people around.
TAS VHF Station
It was a dead end unless you are the worker for the radio tower station.
Great to see it up close.
AH! Hindhede Quarry observable stand can be seen here. 
Found this image online (credit to the owner)
Today we decided to explore the yellow route, which I heard from Mr Ked, is Stairs of Hell.
So it is called Diary Farm Loop Trail and it is a challenge mode.
I recalled that it was under maintenance and now it opens to public! 
Oh my! Stairs! Stairs are everywhere!
it was leading down.
let's take a picture together!
When there is down, there is up.
I have to write something about this place above, something bad happened. My camera dropped off from a unstable platform due to imbalance. Thanks goodness it didn't drop to a deep pit but made a second mark on my camera lens :( I guess I should learn not to be risky.

(image of my camera lens)
Let's continue!
Oh my! check out the number of stairs.
When I looked back, it seemed like we took the easy route.
While others took another way.
I must say this is the BEST place to train yourself.
Not to forget some mushroom pictures along the way.
Black bracket mushrooms.
Along the stair, I spotted some rock stacking formation. How I wish I can stack one on my own.
OH MY! My second time found this green snake!
It is a Wagler's Pit Viper or Temple Viper! Credit chaceingmao for ID
It was in a striking position, better keep a distance away from it.
Feeling happy and appreciated it didn't get scared by me.
Reopening of Bukit Timah Exhibition Hall!
Can enter to this place for my first time!
Come on and Smile!
some information to feed our knowledge about Singapore nature reserve.
Feeling like back to classroom science lab
Video on History of Singapore Nature Reserve
The changing landscape of Singapore
oooooooooooo! Those are the available parks where we can visit. :D
OKAY! SET! I will visit these places!
some miniature quarry! 
Really admire people who can do such amazing miniature.
Beautiful quarry :3
Time to walk back to MacRitchie
WAH! I have to show you this! A Special German Chicken breed!
It got closer to me when I squatted down. Very curious one.
Beautiful Chicken. If I have a big house, I will keep Chicken as pet.
Total walking distance 20km! Hahahah What a trip today! time to rest my feet.


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