Monday, January 23, 2017

Personal - Spring Cleaning

Hi Blog,

CNY is coming soon, I just realised I don't have to do spring cleaning, instead of just thinking that I will be doing it, I just get up and make myself doing it. Hmmmm here is a post which is about what I had done.

My only cupboard where
 I stored my stuff
Untidy and messy, let's tidy them up!
I took everything out and started wiping
Somehow I felt it is a pleasure!
I cleared the three shelves
and it was all clothing so I tried to arrange them to type of clothing, and removed unwanted ones.
and another side of cupboard too - books and files....
DONE! Seldom use will be on top.
The side where I will visit often, just realised I have less Tee.
okay! Next! My design shelves under my bed.
I can't believe that I still have VHS tapes!
Checked out the year and some got mouldy!
Dance dance revolution dance pad! Oh well... no use already... have to discard this...
shelves where I keep my artworks and tools
Ah! Blog, show you this, I won these in 1993, a Godzilla mini figurines.
I remembered that I had to eat a lot of candies to win it
Godzilla was my craze when I was young.
I found this rare transilink card. Keeping it for memories - Historical value
And this phone card! Beside historical value, this card saved my life before.
Thank you to the people who gave me this card to make a call. (long story short)
Also helping my mother to clear cupboard at the living room... the amount of files....
BURN all the bills and statements from 1990-2015
Just a random post of my day. :) Did a lot and feeling better after tidying my stuff.


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