Monday, January 2, 2017

Cycling - Sembawang Short Ride

Happy 2017 Year Blog,

It will be our first and a new fresh post for 2017, I will make it short post about how I spent my first holiday of 2017.... I decided to cycle to North side to visit Sembawang Beach!

Gear up and go!
I decided to give my White loose jersey a chance to fulfill itself,
since I was cycling alone.
Welcome to Sembawang Park!
Too bad I didn't manage to take many pictures because I can't park my bike elsewhere,
and too crowded on that day... I feel embarrassed to selfie in the public...
Next time I will go there again.
Since I cycled at North side, I paid a home visit of my old friend,
and had lunching with him.
(He stays alone under a single room flat, visiting him is to break the solitude lifestyle for awhile)
End my ride with a selfie
Seriously.... trying different angle looked kind of tasteless and blend...
I should stop trying...
Quick summary of my cycling workout for that day
Oops! I always forgot to switch the workout mode to cycling than hiking. hahaha! I guess I have to really spend time to check on my setting next round.

HAPPY 2017, Everyone! (if there is anyone reading)


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