Friday, January 6, 2017

Personal - Happy Birthday Mother

Hi Blog,

Today was my mother 60th birthday. I used to be tight over money and for this day, I decided to get her what she likes. Arranged some simple dining together with her sisters and got her a gift.

Tired feet...
I went to Sookee to get her something which she pointed to me before.
The troubles I went through can't compare the troubles she went through for all these 60 years...
Without her, I won't be healthy and well taken cared of.
Even though I look short and awful, but she still loved us.
So I got her a pendant with her initial letter 'B' for Betty, but to me, it also meant Best :)
Best Mother
This is her, my mother. I guess I got her genes to look young. Hahaha
Even though I got double chin
It has been awhile since I used my camera
Let's bring it out for some pictures
Happy 60th Birthday, Mother!
Wish you will be blessed with Fu, Lu and Shou
Here are my aunties and her sisters.
It seemed like she had enjoyed herself
Thanks God for looking after her.
Without her, I won't be able to step out to help out.
It is a short post but I will like it under my diary, even though I had spent nearly 1k but it was okay :) as long as She is happy I will be happy. Thank you Blog for wishes.


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