Monday, January 9, 2017

Food - Zhi Guan Vegetarian Stall

Hi Blog,

This is a post about one of the vegetarian stall which I always have my lunch near my workplace since Jan 2015 (link) and I got this inevitable news from the stall owner...

Zhi Guan Vegetarian Stall (location)
They will be closing their stall by end of Jan....
because they will be retiring. I understand why they decide to retire and take a break.

So I decided to make a post of my sweet sweet memory with them.

A simple menu like school canteen where people seeking for filling their stomach than aesthetic focus.
Monday Menu
Mee Rebus with extra Tofu
Mee Rebus :3
Nasi Lemak
Tuesday Menu
Prawn Mee (my favourite)
Wednesday Menu
Mee Siam
My second favourite disk - love the sour taste
Thursday Menu
Veg. Chicken Rice
Love a bit mixed and random
Kway Chap
Love the tofu :3
Yam Rice - one of their special
Lonton - Oh my :D
It combines my favourite Tofu and curry!
Overall, I am thankful for this humble veg stall available near my workplace and took care of me for two years. I wish all the best for the owner of the stall and be happy always. I will miss the foods...

~Updated on 06 March 2017~

The vegetarian stall still operating but I won't be having lunch there anymore because I am trying to cook my own lunch. (link)


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