Thursday, January 26, 2017

Personal - Hobby Sharing - Zoids Collection

Hi Blog,

If space and money aren't the issue for me, I might become one crazy toy collector - mainly Zoids. (read more)

In one of my previous posts (here) on 2015, I did a spring cleaning of my toy display shelves. What you had seen is the remaining of my toys which I can't bare to see them sell away. I sold 75% of my Zoids (at low price) and donated the money out, which ended my toy collection of Zoids.

Light up display shelves for my toy collection
To be honest... I really missed my sold Zoids... I spent a lot of time and money in collecting them...

Why did I sell them away?
Because I realised my addiction of Zoids will not stop... And I learned that if I don't stop myself, I will continue to buy somemore! I also learned that when I bought it, I will just displayed it.
Won't it be like owning a trophy to feed my satisfaction of my ego/greed over something?
And also because I read one short story which is about a beggar standing outside a jewelry shop every night checking on the jewelries, which got the owner worrying of his intention. After many months of observing that beggar, the owner can't find anything suspicious of him as he behaved like other normal customers and window shoppers. So the owner went up and asked the beggar why he always checking on the jewelries, as knowing he can't afford it.

The beggar's reply hit me; he said, "when people buy jewelry, either they wear it or display in a display glass/vault at home with maximum security, so that when they can admire the jewelry whenever they feel like it. Right now, all the beautiful jewelries are displayed outside the store, I just simply treat it as it was mine, admire whenever I like it. I still get the happiness I desire. We don't own the gems, in the end, it is the gem which own us to take care of it."

Same rule applied to my Zoids collection, after I got it, I just displayed them and admired them. So I decided to stop and sell them away, but I wasn't really able to let everything goes... So I just kept the remaining and rare Zoids (below)

Close up of the bottom display shelve - two Gojulas giga
My Chrome Zoids because these are rare, so NO sale :3
My Gilvader Set :3 because it is WHITE!
One of my Proudest and Most Expensive collection of all times - King Gojulas and my only customised Zoids
My crystal zoids - Rare and limited
So based on what I have left, sound like I don't quite convincing to the story I just shared. Nope, that story is to remind me that I won't need to buy anymore newer zoids. I can simply look at the pictures online and imagine they are mine. :3

  Current Collection
King Gojulas

King Gojulas is one of my proudest collection. It is a vintage Zoids, I got it on ebay for $800 as a second highest bidder, because the first bidder retracted his bids, so it fell back to me. It was my dream zoids I ever wanted to have. When I was young I used to visit department stall, just to hold the giant box, and stared at illustrations and weird wordings (Japanese) but I can imagine it roared and roomed the city.

Now my family members they can mess my other stuff but they know they should not even do anything to this. It will become my tomb if anyone can do it for me.

Check out its Head
LOVE this angle.
It's horn makes it looked AWESOME.
Sabra (Customized)

Sabra is my sister's favourite, Red and black make it stand out from the rest and further more, I customised it with random weaponry which I can gather.

The wings I found it at a trash place which also fits it well.

Sabra hmmm not Sabre?
Love this Angle, like almighty!
Crystal Zoids

This one is special. there are Deathsaurer, Red Horn and Molga. It is limited edition which you need to gather all the Zoids' points from the Zoids boxes then mailed to Japan Tomy Company. If I am not wrong, gather 1000 Zpoints for Deathsaurer, 500 ZPoints for Red Horn and 100 Zpoints for Molga. (don't quote me as I can't quite remember the detail) The moment I got these three, I was so excited and built them right away.

Death Saurer
Red Horn
Overall view of the three of them. (Due to this picture was taken many years ago, I didn't take with Crystal Gojulas)
(pic slot for Crystal Gojulas)

Gilvader - GilDragon
Gilvader is also one of my favourite Zoids when I was young. Beside King Gojulas, I will stare at Gilvader's box too, but due to I can't afford that time and bidding price for a vintage Gilvader was a bomb. Until they came out a white version of Gilvader, renamed as Gildragon. Even though I can't say I dislike it because I LOVE IT! IT IS WHITE!!! And I love how they challenged to change its horn and colour scheme. (I also bought a original-coloured Gilvader, not vintage edition, and extra Gildragon, both are unboxed.) See! this was a great example, I bought it but it will still be kept in the box... like I don't even own it.

In this white edition, it comes with it's own army too.
LOve this angle. WHITE!
Look at how awesome it's back is.
Black tooth! :D
This is its minion - Decalto Dragon.
It is actually combination of two zoids.
Mom mom mom
(pic slot for the two zoids before combination)

Chrome Zoids
Here is the session of my chrome zoids. I bought four chrome Zoids from one taiwan website. Even though their site was gone, but their products are with me. This chrome zoids was a re-spraying on the original plates that is why there are some parts aren't fit in but have to file it to fit.

My favourite - Berserk Führer
Armored dinosaurs is simply awesome!
Liger - Jager Unit
Check on it! The Blue colour makes it shine!
Isn't it cool!
Next is Liger - Panzer Unit
Rarely you will see a green coloured Zoids, and this is one of them.
Liger - Schneider Unit
If you noticed the head part, due to it's increase of thickness of chrome paint, it can't sit in properly.
Awesome Three Ligers set!
Gojulas Giga

Last of my current zoids collection is Gojulas Giga. I got this because of the newer idea of how Gojulas looks. Big mouth and Godzilla's look make this Giga looks wicked! And furthermore, it can change it's mode - standing or bending mode.

I am a better version of Gojulas!
Look at it's feet and tiny limbs! It is a typical T-rex inspired concept!
I added in some lines to enhance its look.
Check out it's teeth!
okay! whatever above are my current collection which I stopped. Below were my previous owned collection... Now I just put it here for my own admiration and you will know why I missed them so much.

I had many other beautiful ligers - they were so wicked and equipped with awe!
To be honest... if I can go back to time, I won't sell this two away. Both of them are simply beauty.
Two awesome ligers - Falcon & Energy Ligers
Check out the weaponry of this Energy Liger!
This has the head of a Lion and with Horn! COOL!
Looking too super dominating from this angle.
Combine with Falcon onto a Liger Zero Phoenix
Look Unique when I added in a pair of wings :3
Liger Falcon SWEET!
Liger X + Zero Phoenix

I customised this liger with some random zoids. From what you see, I do love to customise my Zoids if I even know how to do a FULL customization work.All I can do is to take here and there, then join them together.

Customise Liger X Phoenix
They said two zoids (heads) are better than one.
So let's proof it to others!
King Kong from Zoids 2

I got this Zoids for $20 because it was from a different manufacturer/company/country and named this Zoids as Zoids 2, which released to attract Western kids. In the past, many western toys were made in chrome painted so that it's glossiness will attract younger audiences. Well, I don't stay in Western country so I was sure whether it will work on me or not, but one thing for sure... I found it nah... but I found it special because of its chrome plate and unique colour scheme different from original Japan Zoids; to showcase the Zoids history line of such product before.

King Kong!
I am shiny and I know it.
Even the sticker was a bit plain.

Helic Republic Zoids
Here were those Zoids belongs to Helic Republic (Good Side) In the Zoids toy series, you can tell which one is the good guy and bad guy. The colour scheme of grey, cool colour is Helic Republic.
Helic Republic!
Barigator was my FIRST Zoids I bought. I love the detail of this Crocodile-Zoids.
Mainly because of its widely opened mouth which attracted the most.
Cannon Tortoise - Slow but the Cannon killed ALL! I bought an extra cannon for it, double the power!
Gojulas was my first big Zoids I owned, and this was a present that my father bought me during my birthday.
I remembered I will put in the batteries and just to watch it moving.
Madthunder was my third Big Zoids I owned to rival Deathsaurer.
Let's me tell you, the size of this Zoids was so massive, you can feel the power in small scale.
When you switched it on, its horn will spin! OMG! I am missing it already.... :(
Ultrasaurus was one TALL Zoids which I got in the latest release, my forth Big Zoids.
This one was served like a mothership for many smaller zoids.
So I mounted one small Zoids on it.
The Zoids Pteras with wings and fly away to save the day.
Love the head of Ultrasaurs with teeth!
Zenebas Empire

Red team! The Bad guy side and somehow they were the one who got many awesome Zoids design and ended up, I got more of them over The Good guy team.Here were those I owned before.

Zenebas Empire - The whole Red Army!
Bettle - Beetle-type toy always have a space in my collection.
I remembered that I got Double Sworder (pic link) to rival this, but Double sworder got the fate of a real life beetle - stepped by my friend and squashed it... Sad...
Bird type Zoids - I just got this to add into Red Team
Death Saurer - my second big Zoids and let me tell you...
I really cannot bare to see it was taken away from the buyers...
Check out the head of the Death Saurer, it was like wearing a shade and looked like a boss!
Mammoth Zoids - Just one to add into Red Army
Hermit Crab Zoids - With Death Saurer's Redness 
Snake also joined in

Seismosaurus was one newly design Zoids in the new release. The size and design earned itself a place in my collection.
if you take a look at the box illustration, no Zoids fan won't love it. It is pure OP.

If it's tail didn't flip, I believe you will see a longer image size
Heavily equipped with weaponry and all rounded gunner Zoids
Without the black drawing of lines to define itself, I doubt you will see its detail design of this seismosaurus.
If they built seismosaurus with the size of ultrasaurs, I bet it will be 2x bigger.
Berserk Fuhrer - Storm Fuhrer

New zoids were released in the year 2000 period, Berserk Fuhrer was also come with an interesting look to counter Ligers and ... it is WHITE!

The overall look with Storm unit was awesome and it costed me a bomb to get the extra parts.
Like a crab!
Cool white face
Geno Breaker

Beside white, red is also have a slot in my collection. Beside new design and the aura of awe was equipped on itself.

ROAR and Laser! PEW PEW PEW!
Accompanied by two random Zoids.
I still wondered why am I getting this? hmmmmmmmm
Brachios Zoids - Water type Zoids and this one Neh.
Death Stinger
Death Stinger is new beautifully crafted, improved version of deathpion. (reference) So wicked looking!
Blue and Red make it stand out from the rest of the Zoids series.
Heavy armored and scorpion inspired design are awesome!
The size of Death Stinger is middle range, bigger than our both palm combined.

Killer Spiner

This design inspired by the news of Spinosaurus specimen (referenceand since it was new and green in colour, so bought it.
Mounted with a Crab and two bloxs (new Zoids) Both of them looked so weird together....
HEY YOU Crab! You are HEAVY!
Whitz Tiger

This one may seem like it was just one Zoids but no, it was actually the combination of Whitz Wolf and Savinga (reference) and I bought this yellow version than white because of it's rareness. If not, I will just get the white one.

Cool looking tiger design, better than the wolf version
With the lines drawn, which helped to highlight the detail of Zoids design.
I spent quite time to draw those lines but I enjoyed it.
One word - Awesome Experience.
After writting above thought on those past Zoids which I owned... I feel they are still living in my memory display shelves. :,) Initially I had the urge to buy a new zoids from Carousel but now... I calm down.



  1. darn it man. just when i was getting hooked to zoid kits i read the story u wrote about the beggar. tho i would still wanna collect as much as i can and treat them as trophies, it shows perseverance, patience, hard work and dedication to own such pieces, man.

    1. Hahaha I understand how you feel and agree with you too - dedication to every piece of zoids. If you have the space and cash, why not? :)
      Now I am actually missed my old zoids, but just now before reading your comment, I looked through the pictures, I feel they are still with me. Hahaha
      But still! It is mainly to stop my addiction or desire to; and be selective:)


  2. Your collection is awesome
    sorry my english is not good so i use google translate ^^

    1. Haha thank you for your compliments
      I believe your collection will also be awesome

    2. Yeah! I am in Vietnam so it is difficult to buy them ^^
      So I only have a few models of models ^^

    3. Ah, I understand the difficulty. What kind of zoids you already have? :)


    4. I have a little, I don't know how to send photos to you?

    5. Bạn có thể chia sẻ hình ảnh tại trang này
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