Friday, January 13, 2017

Cycling - Kickstart Night Cycling

Hi Blog,

Today was Friday the 13th! BAD DAY! (nonsense idea over this day) I decided to kickstart our cycling group for night cycling! (just a quick short sharing post)

This was my first time cycled to workplace during operation days than school holiday.
I sensed that it might rain... and yes it rained during the late afternoon until I knocked off,
and witnessed the scenery of double rainbow :3
So Alan and I met up at my workplace and we cycled off to Punggol to meet the rest.

My Fatbike and I - Credit Alan for helping
Went down to Engkiat's place and had dinner, and waiting for the rest to turn up.

All ready... Too bad, many can't make it for this day. Hope for more people.
Welcome Kai Liang joining us.
Funny thing that we did at Engkiat's place. We weighted our bikes. Shengjie's roadbike weighs 7kg, Alan's weighs 10kg, Kailiang's Fixie weighs 11kg and my fatbike weighs 16kg.... No wonder... How can I reduce its weight.... 

Let's GO!
We cycled to Changi V, look at their sickening bikes...
Bullied me by speeding and let me eat their roadbikes' dusts.
I tried out some of their bikes
  • Kai Liang's Fixie - I have problem riding on this one. Can't get used to it....
  • Alan's Roadbike - OMG! It is FAST! Basically feeling like flying when I started riding!
  • Shengjie's Expensive Roadbike - Not for cheap butt but I had tasted the speed of roadbike already.
anyway we had a safe ride to Changi V and back to Punggol again.
Thanks Heaven for safe tour!
Friday the 13th aka Bad Day? Dig gold in my nostril.


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