Saturday, January 23, 2016

Trip - Universal Studio SG with Chinese New Year Theme

Hey Blog,

Today can be a lazy day for me but well, my friend has a ticket to USS (which is about to be expired) so not to waste the ticket and opportunity to visit here. 

USS also celebrates CNY by decorated it with New year theme and so do their programs and mascots.
I am the Captain of the Universe!
Nah... I don't think I fit the title.
Just a captain of Fat :)
Have pictures with Mr Frankenstein
And he... grabbed my chest...
Finally! I can take a picture with this cute unicorn
and Minions :D So cute. 
Beautiful display of Spring :)
Thumb up!
Something sweet to eat.
Minions in Chinese New year costume.
Honestly I love the exterior of the building.
They have a parade! 
My in-love actress
Lion! ROAR!
What a display!
All the Madagascar characters 
T-rex is coming!
Too bad it's roar isn't that great or loud enough.
Serious performance :D
required only SERIOUS killer abs.
Love her expression - Villainous look!
weird and awkward proportion of limbs
Charlie and some random dancers
Is she acting as Lucy? Betty? I forgot.
We moved around to see performance :)
Seasame street performance - we were almost falling asleep... 
Love the building structure. Hope I can take more of such pictures.
Finally we were the last one who able to take pictures with her.
Come on Smile! Woman!
Two fighting dinosaurs 
nope? okay. Again.
You sure to take a proper shot of the T-rex butt.
We found this port - Dryer for $5....
What the.....
Nice doggy. :D
Don't eat me!
Eat him! XD
Conclusion: this is the BEST angle to capture the two giants and title. :)
Right? :D
This is one of my BEST shot ever. :)
Thanks Alvmax for such a great treat

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