Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Personal - Follow up with my doctor

Hey Blog,

Today I am followed up to see my doctor on my kidney stone attack last year. 
Kind of worrying... 
because during their ultra-sound scan, they seemed like they found something at my left kidney.

Getting ready to leave my workplace.
Oh I decided to wear my full suit for today visit. What do you think? 
Hmmmmm waiting for 35 mins. Can't play my phone due to over heated. I should have brought a book to read.
Doctor told me that I have a 4mm stone in my left kidney, I will continue to drink water (at least 2L daily) and take less salt/sugar stuff, and less meat which I don't take any. Doctor also advised me to piss more often, don't hold. It will encourage more crystalisation of the stone. hmmm... I will have to come down for another scan again and hope it won't grow somemore and piss it out...

I am cool and have to be careful about it
blog, do remind me to drink more water. :)


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